Ruth Mc Enery Stuart was among the best known and most popular of nineteenth-century Louisiana writers.She was, both financially and critically, one of the most successful fiction writers of her time, and in recent years has been studied by feminist and social literary critics.
This selection chosen by the critic August Nemocontains the following stories:
– Sonny’s Christenin’
– Solomon Crow’s Christmas Pockets
– The Two Tims
– Old Easter
– Saint Idyl’s Light
– Little Mother Quackalina
– Blink
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Ruth Mc Enery Stuartwas the eldest of eight children and the daughter of a politically and economically prominent family in Marksville.Her first published stories’Uncle Mingo’s ‘Speculations” and ‘The Lamentations of Jeremiah Johnson’appeared in New Princeton Reviewin 1888. Encouraged by this success, Stuart moved to New York, where she soon became a popular writer and a fashionable southern hostess.Stuart died on May 6, 1917.