We may not realize it consciously, but negative feelings can be as toxic as physical poisons, wearing on us and causing depression, illness, and burnout. But how can we keep ourselves safe in a world too often ruled by resentment, jealousy, rage, and stress?
How to Heal Toxic Thoughts provides the cure, and it lies in the ancient principle of alchemy.
Many people think that the old alchemists were trying to turn lead into gold. But in actuality, as Sandra Ingerman—a practicing shaman and psychologist—reveals, they were metaphorically working on transforming heavy leaded consciousness into gold light consciousness. Using their theories, Ingerman offers strategies for processing the harmful thoughts and emotions that hit us throughout our day. Instead of sending and receiving lethal energy, you will learn, through meditations, visualizations, and other exercises, how to radiate positive thoughts and shield yourself from those that are destructive. Her methods of simple…but they can change you, others, and the world.