With tourist season about to start, Edna Esh is busier than ever, baking with her Amish Cookie Club friends and running her business serving meals to Englische tourists. You wouldn’t think she’d have time for matchmaking . . .
Edna couldn’t be happier that her new daughter-in-law, Bethany, is pregnant. But Bethany is also her best helper, and morning sickness has her out of commission. Desperate for more hands, Edna accepts a friend’s offer for her twin daughters, Rachel and Ella Mae, to step in. Trouble is, the young women are constantly bickering—except when Edna’s sons, Jeremiah and Jonas, are around . . .
It’s soon clear that Rachel has taken a shine to Jeremiah, while Jonas is smitten with Ella Mae. It’s also clear the feelings aren’t reciprocated. But after confiding in the Cookie Club, Edna devises a plan for the pairs to spend more time together. The only problem is it seems to be failing. Yet it appears there’s a grander plan at work—and as nature takes its course, and the May Fest arrives, there’s reason to look forward to the bountiful sweetness of a double wedding come autumn . . .
Includes Cookie Recipes!
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Sarah Price comes from a long line of devout Mennonites, including numerous church leaders and ministers throughout the years. Ms. Price has advanced degrees in Communication (MA), Marketing (MBA), and Educational Leadership (Ph D) and was a former college professor. She now writes full-time and talks about her books and her faith on a daily live stream with readers. Learn more about Sarah and her novels at Sarah Price Author.com.