Sherry F. Colb is professor of law and Charles Evans Hughes Scholar at Cornell University. Michael C. Dorf is Robert S. Stevens Professor of Law at Cornell University. Colb is the author of
When Sex Counts: Making Babies and Making Law and
Mind If I Order the Cheeseburger? And Other Questions People Ask Vegans. Dorf is the author of
No Litmus Test: Law Versus Politics in the Twenty-First Century and the coauthor (with Laurence H. Tribe) of
On Reading the Constitution.
1 Ebooks tarafından Sherry Colb
Sherry Colb & Michael Dorf: Beating Hearts
How can someone who condemns hunting, animal farming, and animal experimentation also favor legal abortion, which is the deliberate destruction of a human fetus? The authors of Beating Hearts aim to …