Yazar: Silvi Guerra

Silvi Guerra, Psy D works with children, adolescents and young adults with a range of socio-emotional, developmental and behavioral problems at all stages of development. She uses cognitive-behavioral therapy and incorporates evidence-based, empathic, culturally informed, and resilient methodology. De Andra Hodge is an illustrator and designer based in Washington, DC. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from University of Montevallo. Visit https://www.deandrahodgeart.com/ and on Instagram as deandrahodge_  

1 Ebooks tarafından Silvi Guerra

Silvi Guerra: How to Handle Stress for Middle School Success
“Smart and essential!” —Jeff Kinney, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Middle school can be stressful. On the outside, you can look like everything is going great. On the inside, you may worry a lot — a …