28 Ebooks tarafından Sri Sri Ravishankar
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Shiva Sutras
A kite needs a string in order to fly through the sky. In a similar way, the Shiva Sutras offers threads to uplift our mind and let it soar to new heights. The Shiva Sutras describes the goal of life …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Ayurveda and Breath
The study of life is Ayurveda. ‘Veda’ means knowledge with—to know. ‘Ayur’ is life. According to Ayurveda, life is not a rigid compartment. Existence is not a rigid compartment. It is a harmonious fl …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: An Intimate Note to the Sincere Seeker
Weekly Knowledge Sheets given by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a practice which began from the year 1995 and now, have been compiled into Seven Volume Series of books. This book (Volume I) is a collection of …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Kena Upaniṣad
Upanisad means sitting close, more importantly, feeling close to the Master. In this closeness, a lot more than words flow between the speaker and the listner, complete knowledge is transmitted. The …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Living The Mystery of Life
This knowledge is not complicated; it is simple and is complimentary to life in the world, to society. Normally people oppose it because they think doing anything for one’s inner growth means stoppin …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Narada Bhakti Sutras
The Narada Bhakti Sutra (IAST: Nārada Bhakti Sūtra) is a well known sutra venerated within the traditions of Hinduism, purportedly spoken by the famous sage, Narada. The text details the process of d …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Ayurveda and Breath
Commentary by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Yoga Sutra expounded by Sage Patanjali. The aim of Patanjali Yoga Sutras is to set man free from the cage of matter. Mind is the highest form of matter and man f …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Question Basket
Man has always wanted to know more about life. This intense quest has caused all the progress humanity has made today and yet there still remain many unanswered questions. In this book, we take more …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Spirit of Enquiry
H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar offers deep wisdom, a celebration of the Spirit of Enquiry on the spiritual path and the journey to the self. Spirit Of Enquiry is a compilation of short talks given by Sri …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: The Space Within
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar travels the world sharing wisdom and insights on a number of timely and important topics. His talks motivate and encourage, offer comfort and reassurance, and provide insights fo …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Wonder
Wonder man has always wanted to know more about life. This intense quest has caused all the progress humanity has made day and yet there still remain many unanswered questions, in this book Sri Sri t …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Shiva The Enternal Joy
‘Shiva tattva is total; it is complete. Shiva is where the mind dissolves. He is formless yet sees all. He is the formless core of existence and also the goal. He is the seer, sight and the scene. He …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: The Yogasara Upanishad
“Sitting close to the Master that is `Upanishad’ you catch many things! You catch the inexpressible… You catch something that is indescribable… Here, words are simply a vehicle: a lot more flows …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Katopanishad Part 1
The whole world runs away from death, because death snatches everything, but the one who accepts it and willingly faces it, receives something from death itself. Ironically, knowledge of death gives …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Sachche Sadhak Ke Liye Ek Antarang Varta
प्रत्येक सप्ताह “गुरुदेव” के ज्ञान-पत्रों का उदय एक स्मरणीय अनुभव है। हर बुधवार कुछ भक्तजन गुरुजी के साथ बैठते हैं। चारों और एक मनोहर और आत्मीय वातावरण रहता है, चाहे गुरुजी संसार के किसी भी भाग में ह …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Kathopnishad Bhag-1
सम्पूर्ण संसार मृत्यु से भागता है क्योंकि मृत्यु तो सर्वस्व छीन लेती है। परन्तु जो व्यक्त्ति मृत्यु के समक्ष सहर्ष खड़ा होना स्वीकार कर लेता है वह मृत्यु से भी कुछ पा लेता है। विडंबना देखिए, मृत्यु क …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: ജ്ഞാനാന്വേഷണത്തിലേക്ക്
ആമുഖം (പകൃഷ്ടമായ പ്രചോദനത്തിന്റെ ധാരാവാഹിയായ, പ്രസരിപ്പാർന്ന, ലോക നേതാക്കളിൽ ഒരാളാണു സംപൂജ്യനായ ശ്രീ ശ്രീ രവി ശങ്കർ. നമ്മുടെ കാലത്തെ മികച്ച മൗലികചിന്തകരിൽ ഒരാൾ കൂടിയാണ് അദ്ദേഹം. പ്രായോഗികജ്ഞാനത്തിന് …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Wisdom for the New Millennium
The spiritual search will always be a search for wisdom. As we enter this new age, Wisdom for the New Millennium offers us many profound insights to further our journey …
श्री श्री रविशंकर: जिज्ञासा की प्रकृति
मैं कौन हूँ इस प्रश्न के साथ रहो। यह प्रश्न एक ऐसा साधन है जिससे आप शुरुआत कर सकते हैं, और आत्मस्वरूप में गहन स्तर में डूब सकते हैं। केवल कुछ पुस्तकें पढ़ने मात्र से या थोड़ा बहुत यहाँ वहाँ आध्यात्मि …
श्री श्री रविशंकर: प्रेम की शक्ति
जब प्रेम चमकता है, यह सच्चिदानन्द है। जब प्रेम बहता है, यह अनुकम्पा है। जब प्रेम उफनता है, यह क्रोध है। जब प्रेम सुलगता है, यह ईर्श्या है। जब प्रेम नकारता है, यह घृणा है। जब प्रेम सक्रिय है, यह सम्पू …
श्री श्री रविशंकर: संबंधों के रहस्य
मस्तिष्क से मस्तिष्क का संवाद विचारों एवं शब्दों द्वारा होता है जबकि हृदय से हृदय को संवाद भावनाओं द्वारा। सदियों से मनुष्य का अनुभव है कि भावनाओं को व्यक्त करना सम्भव नहीं। यदि हम शब्दों द्वारा भावन …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Sri Sri As I Know Him
An embodiment of love, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a rare combination of stillness and dance, silence and song, wisdom and humour. He lives his life with simplicity, effortlessness and joy. Knowl …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Punarnava – New Again
A compilation of short talks given by Gurudev Sri Sri on day to day issues, and evolution on the spiritual path. Das E-Book Punarnava – New Again wird angeboten von Aslan e Reads und wurde mit folgen …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Spirituality
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar simplifies the concept of spirituality in this book, emphasising how fundamental it is to life and nothing out of the ordinary world. He explains spirituality in a manner …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: India in Action
Armed with profound wisdom, Humanitarian vision and potent techniques imparted by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, many common Indians have risen up to become seva warriors. They are bringing in a pheno …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Contradictions In Bhagavad Gita
Truth is contradictory; if it is not contradictory, then it is not truth! The Bhagavad Gita is full of contradictions. You can understand it only if you see it in totality. …
Sri Sri Ravishankar: Through The Eyes Of The Master
Have you ever thought what the purpose of your life is? What is life all about? Such questions are very precious. When they dawn in your mind, only then does your life begin! They help you improve th …