Yazar: Susan Margret Wimmer


11 Ebooks tarafından Susan Margret Wimmer

Susan Margret Wimmer: Le Secret de Beauté des Stars Hollywoodiennes
Les escargots sont parmi les plus belles créatures du monde, et pourtant ce mollusque gastéropode visqueux est souvent mal compris. De la joie de l’oiseau à un ennemi de jardins, les escargots sont n …
Dan Hild & Susan Margret Wimmer: Die hCG-Diät: Was Dr. Simeons wirklich sagte
Die h CG-Diät (auch Stoffwechselkur, Adipositas-Kur, 21 Tage Stoffwechselkur, h CG Stoffwechselkur o.ä. genannt) wird immer populärer. Alle genannten Ansätze gehen auf die Forschungen des englischen …
Dan Hild & Susan Margret Wimmer: HCG-DIET; What Dr. Simeons Really Said
Finally a book calls obesity exactly what it is a disorder. HCG-DIET: WHAT DR. SIMEONS REALLY SAID is a small book with great clarity and sound advice for ending your dysfunctional relationship with …
Dan Hild & Susan Margret Wimmer: Dieta HCG: Che Cosa ha detto veramente il Dott. Simeons
Finalmente un libro considera l’obesità per quello che è – una malattia. DIETA-HCG: CHE COSA HA DETTO VERAMENTE IL DR. SIMEONS è un piccolo libro con ottimi chiarimenti e sani suggerimenti per termin …
Susan Margret Wimmer: Paleo Diet
Our modern diet has created an epidemic of obesity and disease, leaving people fat, tired and oddly enough – hungry. Hungry for change, hungry for weight loss and hungry for health. When current wisd …
Susan Margret Wimmer: Dieta Paleo
La nostra dieta moderna ha creato un’epidemia di obesità e malattie, rendendo le persone grasse, stanche e abbastanza stranamente – affamate. Affamate di cambiamento, affamate di perdita di peso e af …
Susan Margret Wimmer: Green Coffee – The Cure for Obesity, High Blood Pressure and Diabetes Type 2
Podcasts, Health stores, magazines and blogs the world wide have been proclaiming the health benefits and weight loss properties of Green Coffee for several years now. Anyone parlaying in natural hea …
Susan Margret Wimmer: The Beauty – Secret of Hollywood Stars
Snails are one of the world’s most amazing creatures, yet this slimy gastropod mollusk is often misunderstood. From a bird’s delight to a gardens nemesis, snails are necessary to our environment… B …
Susan Margret Wimmer: Aloe Vera: The Beauty Plant Of Pharaohs
Aloe Vera has long been known as a healing plant, both in modern medicine and in more holistic circles. For over 4000 years this miraculous plant has led the pack in terms of medicinal uses, yet asid …
Susan Margret Wimmer: Successful DASH Diet
Obesity is a growing problem in the world and an even greater one in the United States. Every day, the number of clinically obese people increases, with waistlines and BMI’s that border on dangerous. …
Susan Margret Wimmer: Diabetes Cure
The rate of those afflicted with Diabetes in the world has sky rocketed, reaching an estimated 415 million in 2015. With over 1.5 million deaths associated with Diabetes Mellitus each year, this deva …