Learn the true value of property before buying. Know the five questions to ask to make money go into the deal. Discover the secrets for spectacular profits and how to shield your assets from attack. Review the art of negotiation, letters of intent, use of intermediaries, and closing a deal on terms favorable for you. Through a case study of an actual transaction, implement the ideas discussed in this book and read the documents and letters used to buy the property. A successful investor buys real estate not by luck but through learned skills. No other book teaches and captures the buyer’s point of view with the strategies and techniques necessary to become a successful buyer and make money.
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Thomas R. Stilp earned a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Management / Master of Business Administration (MM / MBA ) from Northwestern University, Juris Doctor (JD) from Loyola University School of Law, and a Master of Laws (LLM) from The John Marshall Law School. Mr. Stilp is a highly experienced trial attorney, having conducted over 150 trials involving business issues. A member of various trade, manufacturing, and real estate organizations, Mr. Stilp has been on the board of directors of several private business and non-profit organizations. Currently, Mr. Stilp is Co-Chairman and General Counsel for Messer Stilp Holdings, with business interests in manufacturing, service and the real estate industries, owning over one million square feet of property, and office buildings in Chicago’s “Loop” business district. He has written several articles on real estate and business litigation used by bar organizations and law schools throughout the country. His practice concentrates in business litigation, credit & collections risk and real estate, counting over $100 million in recent transactions.