Scientific Essay from the year 2013 in the subject Politics – Topic: Globalization, Political Economics, grade: 92, , language: English, abstract: NGOs often define their mission as a work with people who need help and cannot count on official government or foreign aid. NGOs in conflict settings have saved lives, protected human rights, helped in post-conflict development and more. However, NGO record is not without problems and in the age of growing conflict complexity and intractability, non- governmental organizations in transnational work are facing a major duty.
This paper aims to explore problems of NGOs working in or on a conflict. The literature on NGOs and conflict has been growing remarkable during the last years. A big part of the literature is dealing with conflict resolution or peace building activities of NGOs or in general non-state actors. Quiet smaller is the number of literature on negative impacts of NGOs on a conflict. Within those bibliographies we often find the negative impacts of humanitarian aid. In the light of the post-Cold War era, where NGOs gained importance in transnational politics, problems caused by NGOs should not be disregarded.
This leads to the question of this paper:
What are negative effects of humanitarian NGOs in Conflict intervention and how can they be minimized?
For addressing this question, this paper shows on first hand, impacts of the globalization process, which directly relates to the growing importance of NGOs. In a second step, it deals with the issue of NGOs involved in conflict. In that chapter also lies a first philosophical approximation of problems of the humanitarian debate. For a broader understanding, techniques of NGOs in conflict will be covered. Finally, specific negative impacts of humanitarian NGOs will be exposed within different dimensions. Once criticism has been exercised, there is (always) a need to give suggestions for improvement. What NGOs (and especially humanitarian NGOs) can do to overcome the negative impacts on a conflict, is considered as a major part of this paper.
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Tobias Hoenger absolvierte 2007 das Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerseminar in Luzern und unterrichtete auf verschiedenen Schulstufen an öffentlichen Schulen. An der Universität Bern absolvierte er ein Bachelorstudium in Interreligiösen Studien sowie Psychologie, bevor er ein politikwissenschaftliches Masterstudium in Israel am rennomierten Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Reichman University) abschloss. Ausserdem besitzt er ein Master of Advanced Studies in Public Management der Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft.
Tobias Hoenger durchlief verschiedene Stationen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung und kann auf mehrere Jahre Fach- und Führungserfahrung zurückgreifen. Er engagiert sich in verschiedenen zivilgesellschaftlichen Projekten und berät Verwaltungen, Kirchen und NGOs in Organisations- und Entwicklungsfragen. Als akkreditierter Mediator der Schweizer Kammer für Wirtschaftsmediation, mediiert er bei Konflikten in Verwaltungen und Organisationen.