Software has become omnipresent and vital in our information-based society, so all software producers should assume responsibility for its reliability. While ‘reliable’ originally assumed implementations that were effective and mainly error-free, additional issues like adaptability and maintainability have gained equal importance recently. For example, the 2004 ACM/IEEE Software Engineering Curriculum Guidelines list software evolution as one of ten key areas of software engineering education.
Mens and Demeyer, both international authorities in the field of software evolution, together with the invited contributors, focus on novel trends in software evolution research and its relations with other emerging disciplines such as model-driven software engineering, service-oriented software development, and aspect-oriented software development. They do not restrict themselves to the evolution of source code but also address the evolution of other, equally important software artifacts such as databases and database schemas, design models, software architectures, and process management. The contributing authors provide broad overviews of related work, and they also contribute to a comprehensive glossary, a list of acronyms, and a list of books, journals, websites, standards and conferences that together represent the community’s body of knowledge.
Combining all these features, this book is the indispensable source for researchers and professionals looking for an introduction and comprehensive overview of the state of the art. In addition, it is an ideal basis for an advanced course on software evolution.
İçerik tablosu
and Roadmap: History and Challenges of Software Evolution.- and Roadmap: History and Challenges of Software Evolution.- Understanding and Analysing Software Evolution.- Identifying and Removing Software Clones.- Analysing Software Repositories to Understand Software Evolution.- Predicting Bugs from History.- Reengineering of Legacy Systems.- Object-Oriented Reengineering.- Migration of Legacy Information Systems.- Architectural Transformations: From Legacy to Three-Tier and Services.- Novel Trends in Software Evolution.- On the Interplay Between Software Testing and Evolution and its Effect on Program Comprehension.- Evolution Issues in Aspect-Oriented Programming.- Software Architecture Evolution.- Empirical Studies of Open Source Evolution.
Yazar hakkında
Tom Mens is professor at the Institute of Computer Science of the University of Mons-Hainaut in Belgium. He obtained his Ph D in Science in 1999 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel on the topic of software evolution. Being one of the leading researchers in this domain, he currently directs the ERCIM Working Group on Software Evolution.
Serge Demeyer is professor at the University of Antwerp (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science), where he leads a research group investigating the theme of ‘Software Reengineering’ (LORE – Lab On REengineering). His main research interest concerns software engineering (more precisely, reengineering of object-oriented software systems) but due to historical reasons he maintains a heavy interest in hypermedia systems as well. He is an active member of the corresponding international research communities, serving in various conference organization and program committees.