is Distinguished Professor of Globalization Ethics at Stonehill College, Boston, Co-Director of the Sustainable Management and Measurement Institute (SUMMIT), and Board Director of The Humanistic Management Network. He has a special interest in the theory of freedom and the history of liberal thought in Europe, North and South America. He has published several books on legal, political, and religious philosophy and works currently on topics of globalization ethics and corporate social responsibility.
12 Ebooks tarafından Ulrich Steinvorth
Ulrich Steinvorth & Carlos Largacha-Martinez: From Capitalistic to Humanistic Business
Transforming Capitalism addresses the challenges to shareholder capitalism. It explores: fair play in the market place;challenges on systemic, organizational and individual levels; the need to refocu …
Ulrich Steinvorth: Pride and Authenticity
This book explores the morality of pride, a value that has been condemned through history and is still largely unwelcome in many societies. The author explores the nature of the self and free wi …
Ulrich Steinvorth: Secularization
This book answers questions about secularization: Does it dissolve religion, or transform it into faith in a universally valid value? Is it restricted to the west or can it occur everywhere? Using id …
Reinold Schmücker & Ulrich Steinvorth: Gerechtigkeit und Politik
Gibt es Bedingungen gerechten Handelns, die die Politik zu beachten hat? Namhafte Philosophen aus dem deutschen Sprachraum begründen in diesem Buch, warum sich politisches Handeln am Maßstab der Gere …
Ulrich Steinvorth: A Secular Absolute
Premodern societies believed in something sacred that obliged unconditionally. Modern societies rely on fallible science. Do they also need something absolute, a secular sacred? Steinvorth analyzes t …
Ulrich Steinvorth: A Plea for Naturalistic Metaphysics
In this small book, Ulrich Steinvorth describes the reasons why analytic philosophy, which started as an anti-metaphysical project, has become a strong advocate of metaphysics, and why it must become …
Ulrich Steinvorth: Unterdrückung durch Beglückung
Was ist eine Demokratie, und wann ist sie liberal? Ist Politik legitim, wenn sie der Volkssouveränität oder wenn sie den Menschenrechten entspricht? Was kann und was sollte man von der Politik erwart …
Ulrich Steinvorth: Unterdrückung durch Beglückung
Was ist eine Demokratie, und wann ist sie liberal? Ist Politik legitim, wenn sie der Volkssouveränität oder wenn sie den Menschenrechten entspricht? Was kann und was sollte man von der Politik erwart …
Ulrich Steinvorth: Was Philosophie war, ist und sein kann
Geschichte der Philosophie und Einführung in die Philosophie in einem Band – von den Griechen bis in die Gegenwart Philosophie war einmal gefährlich: Thales wurde gemobbt, Anaxagoras verbannt, Sokrat …
Ulrich Steinvorth: A Brief Presentation of Philosophy and Its History
This book presents philosophy as a historical series of answers to two questions: the meaning question (what does it all mean?) and the reality question (what is real rather than illus …