3 Ebooks tarafından Valeria Panebianco
Vincenzo Gentile & Valeria Panebianco: Multidisciplinary Management of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common neoplasm in men and its management is very complex, in terms of both diagnosis and treatment. In recent years the value of multidisciplinary management within a pro …
Roberto Passariello & Franco Di Silverio: Imaging RM della prostata
Questo volume nasce dall’esigenza di racchiudere in un unico testo lo studio della ghiandola prostatica in tutti i suoi aspetti, dall’istologia alla diagnosi fino al trattamento, con attenzione parti …
Valeria Panebianco & Jurgen J. Fütterer: MDCT and MRI in Genitourinary Imaging
The new series A-Z Notes in Radiological Practice and Reporting provides practical guides for residents and general radiologists, organized alphabetically, primarily according to disease or condition …