Yazar: Velina Hasu Houston

Velina Hasu Houston is an internationally celebrated writer with 22 commissions in theatre and opera. In New York, US nationwide, and globally, her work has been produced to critical acclaim. Honored by the Kennedy Center, Smithsonian Institute, Rockefeller Foundation, Japan Foundation, Wallace Foundation, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, and others, she is the only U.S. playwright to amass a body of work that explores the U.S.-Japan relationship through a bilateral, global view of identity.

2 Ebooks tarafından Velina Hasu Houston

Velina Hasu Houston: Tea
It’s 1968.  Himiko Hamilton struggles in a graceless marriage in a country that is not her own.  Having come from Japan at the end of World War II and landed in a small Kansas town because …
Mary Beltran & Jordan Clarke: Mixed Race 3.0
Have you been asked, "what nationality are you" or "what country are you from"?Have you been puzzled when forms tell you to "select only one ethnicity"?Have you been dis …