We all need companions and guides on our spiritual journey. W. Paul Jones believes that spiritual direction is essential for every Christian. ‘Along each person’s pilgrimage are those who can make one’s journey accountable and whose hospitality makes it possible, ‘ Jones says.
In The Art of Spiritual Direction, you’ll discover the answers to these questions and more:
What is spiritual direction?
What is the difference between spiritual direction and counseling?
How can you know if you are called to the ministry of spiritual direction?
What should happen in direction sessions?
The appendixes feature helpful tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a Theological Worlds Inventory, the Enneagram, and other resources. Whether you are a pastor, church leader, or a layperson, you will benefit from the wealth of information contained in this book.
Yazar hakkında
W. Paul Jones was born into a Methodist family, became a Trappist monk in 1989 and took his life vows for the priesthood in 1992. Retired as a professor of theology at St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, his social justice work centers on the rural poor and prisoners on death row. He directs the Hermitage Spiritual Retreat Center and describes himself as ‘having a Protestant mind and a Catholic heart.’