Yazar: Wen Zhou

Dr. Chong-wei Zheng is the creator and organizer of Marine Resources and Environment Research Group on the Maritime Silk Road. His research interests focus on Physical Oceanography, Marine New Energy Evaluation and Climate Change. He has published more than 90 papers in many peer-reviewed journals as the first author, covering more than 20 papers indexed by SCI or EI (including the high impact journals such as Applied Energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Ocean Engineering, etc.), as well as more than 60 published in Chinese core periodicals and 4 books. He is the invited reviewer of more than 30 high impact journals. Prof. Xiao Zi-niu is the director of the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the Chief Scientist of the National Basic Research Program of China Program (No. 2012CB957800). His research fields cover climate change, the Asian monsoon, and solar impacts on the climate system. He has published more than 20 papers in many peer-reviewed journals in the last 2 years. He has won six National or Provincial Science and Technology Awards. Dr. Zhou Wen is currently Associate Professor in the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong. Her research centers on the East Asian monsoon climate, tropical intraseasonal oscillation, and different types of El Niño and their effects on climate. She aims to understand the variability and predictability of the East Asian winter/summer monsoon, and to detect and attribute climate variability and climate extremes over the Asia-Pacific region. She also looks into natural hazards such as floods/droughts, cold surges and heat waves, and sea level rise / storm surges over the Asia-Pacific region and their relationship with different climate drivers in both present and future scenarios. She has published about 130 SCI papers. Mr. Chen Xiao-bin graduated in 2008 with a Bachelor of Environmental Engineering degree from the PLA University of Science & Technology, and he obtained his Master’s degree in Meteorology from the College of Meteorology and Oceanography at the PLA University of Science & Technology in 2013. He has published about 10 papers. He participated a book titled “Ocean Environment Characteristic and Wave Energy Resource In the China Sea and Adjacent Waters” which carries out the research on the wind climate, wave climate and wave energy in the offshore waters of China. Mr. Chen Xuan is a member of Marine Environment and Resources Research Group on the Maritime Silk Road. He has published about 30 papers as the main author or co-author, covering statistics, physical oceanography, and oceanic numerical simulation. In 2017, he and his co-author proposed a new statistical method known as a more general linear regression, a method that sets the field as factors; he and his co-authors described a relationship between the FNP (function of northern pressure gratitude) and equatorial undercurrent; he and his co-authors took the open boundary conditions in the geographical current diagnostics.

2 Ebooks tarafından Wen Zhou

Chongwei Zheng & Ziniu Xiao: 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: A Peaceful Way Forward
This book focuses on understanding the characteristics of the marine environment; overall characteristic of the marine resources (especially the marine new energy) and their current utilization; impo …
Jingjing Ye & Ding-Geng Chen: Dose Finding and Beyond in Biopharmaceutical Development
This book covers topics in 2 parts: 1) Review of FDA Guidance, 2) Novel Designs and Analyses. While covering basic principles of dose finding, this book details advancements made in drug development. …