This edited book is a comprehensive resource for understanding the history as well as the current status of educational practices in Singapore. It is a one-stop reference guide to education and educational issues/concerns here. There are three sections: Part 1 provides a sectorial overview of how education has been organized in this country such as preschool, special needs, primary and secondary, and adult education divisions. In Part 2, contributors critically delve into issues and policies that are pertinent to understanding education here such as underachievement, leadership, language education, assessment, and meritocracy to question what Part 1 might have taken for granted. Part 3 contains the largest number of contributors because it offers a scholarly examination into specific subject histories. This section stands out because of the comparative rarity of its subject matter (history of Physical Education, Art, Music, Geography Education, etc.) in Singapore.
İçerik tablosu
PART 1: Educational stages and sectors.- Chapter 1 The next phase of developments in Singapore’s Early Childhood Care & Education: Quality in the best interests of all children?.- Chapter 2 The Educational Inclusion For Children With Special Needs in Singapore.- Chapter 3 Primary and Secondary Education in Singapore: Bringing out the best in every learner.- Chapter 4 Post-Secondary Education in Singapore: Developments, Challenges and Debates.- Chapter 5 Higher Education in Singapore: Perspectives and Future Orientation.- Chapter 6 Post-secondary Education Institutions internships- The Singapore Experience.- Chapter 7 The dynamic landscape of adult education in Singapore.- Chapter 8 Developments in Curriculum.- Chapter 9 Evolution of Pedagogical Orientations and Practices in Singapore.- Chapter 10 Policy Blind Spots: A Historical-Temporal Analysis Of Singapore’s Education Policies.- Chapter 11 From Meritocracy To Parentocracy.- Chapter 12 Assessment Reforms in Singapore.- Chapter 13 Educational Leadership.- Chapter 14 Key developments in English education in Singapore from the post-independence period to the present.- Chapter 15 Innovating Towards Reading Excellence in the Singapore English Language Curriculum.- Chapter 16 Paths to a whole; placing Music Education in Singapore.- Chapter 17 The Coherence between Policy Initiatives and Curriculum Development in Physical Education: A Historical Perspective.- Chapter 18 Character and Citizenship Education: Conception, Coherence and Convergence Complexities for a Singapore-Centric Curriculum.- Chapter 19 Geography Education in Singapore.- Chapter 20 A Look at Singapore School Mathematics Curriculum.- Chapter 21 Design & Technology Education in Singapore – Mid-eighties to 2020 and beyond.- Chapter 22 History Education in Singapore: Evolution, Development and Transformation.
Yazar hakkında
Yew-Jin Lee is Associate Professor at National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technology University in Singapore. As a trained science educator, he has done extensive work on comparative curriculum research and science education in East Asia, especially at the elementary level of schooling. He has also been consulted by various international organizations such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the Singapore Temasek Foundation for development projects around the world. In 2008, he received a Fulbright Academic Exchange award to study urban science education in New York with the City University of New York and he is currently part of the Science Expert Group planning for the OECD PISA 2025.