Dr. Michael Biehl (Evangelisches Missionswerk, Hamburg); Traugott Hopp (ehem. Akademie für Weltmission, Korntal); Prof. Dr. Claudia Jahnel (Ruhr-Universität, Bochum); Prof. Dr. Michael Kisskalt (Theologische Hochschule Elstal); Hanna Stahl (Missionsakademie, Universität Hamburg); Prof. Dr. mult. Klaus Vellguth (missio Aachen / Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Vallendar).
1 Ebooks by Traugott Hopp
Michael Biehl & Traugott Hopp: Witnessing Christ
How do Christological Perspectives differ and which specific ways of witnessing Christ exist depending on cultural, geographical and confessional context in which they developed? Theologians from Afr …