Trey Ratcliff is a husband, father, photographer, adventurer,
entrepreneur, teacher, blogger, social-media icon, pioneer of
HDR photography, and more. He is the creator, writer, and
photographer of the number-one travel photography blog on
the internet, called Stuck In Customs, which receives over
one million monthly views. To date Ratcliff’s photos have
been viewed over one hundred billion times.
Trey grew up blind in one eye, which changed the way
he has come to experience and visually map the world. Trey
attended Southern Methodist University and graduated with
a major in computer science and a minor in mathematics in
1995. This has shaped his unique, algorithm-like, approach
to capturing a scene that evokes more palpable memories.
2 Ebooks by Trey Ratcliff
Trey Ratcliff: Light Falls Like Bits
Photographer Trey Ratcliff crosses borders to find beauty—both literally and figuratively. In a world where people are inundated with images of despair and violence, Ratcliff seeks out life’s gorgeou …
Trey Ratcliff: World in HDR, A
High dynamic range (HDR) photography lets you capture the myriad colors and levels of light that you can see in the real world, and the results are amazing photographs that run the gamut from super r …