Author: U. Kockel

ULLRICH KOCKEL is currently Professor of Ethnology, University of Ulster, UK. His research ranges across the field of European ethnology, with special focus on cultural encounters, and on culture and economy. He is an Academician of the Academy for the Social Sciences, and President of the Société Internationale d”Ethnologie et de Folklore.

2 Ebooks by U. Kockel

U. Kockel: Re-Visioning Europe
Drawing on ethno-anthropological fieldwork, this book considers issues of identity and belonging in Europe from a consciously emic perspective. The book explores issues such as borders, migration, ec …
U. Kockel & M. Nic Craith: Cultural Heritages as Reflexive Traditions
Drawing on anthropological fieldwork, this book presents case studies illustrating the re-conceptualization of heritages and traditions in selected locations in Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe. Th …