Surveys research on organic reaction mechanisms described in theliterature dated December 1995 to November 1996. This is the thirtysecond volume in this highly successful and well respected seriesthat provides a guide to all the most recent developments inorganic chemistry.
Each year researchers discover new mechanisms for the synthesis ofall types of organic compounds. This volume as in previous yearsincludes such mechanisms as addition and elimination reactions, nucleophilic and electrophilic aromatic substitutions and molecularrearrangements.
Each chapter deals with specific reaction types, reviewing theyear’s developments in the area and is extensively referenced toprevious volumes and primary journals. Author and subject indexesare also provided for rapid searching.
1.Reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones and their Derivatives
2. Reactions of Carboxylic, Phosphoric and Sulfonic Acids and their Derivatives
3. Oxidation and Reduction
4. Carbenes and Nitrenes
5. Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution
6. Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
7. Carbocations
8. Nucleophilic Aliphatic Substitution
9. Carbanions and Electrophilic Aliphatic Substitution
10. Elimination Reactions
11. Addition Reactions: Polar Addition
12. Addition Reactions: Cycloaddition
13. Molecular Rearrangements
Про автора
A.C. Knipe and W.E. Watts are professors at the School of BMS, The University of Ulster, Northern Ireland.