This book takes a multi-dimensional approach to the concept of organizational fairness, one that views organizational fairness as being comprised of procedural justice, organizational politics, organizational trust, and psychological contract breach, all of which are indicators of the global evaluation of the (un)fairness of the organization.
PART I: INTRODUCTION 1. The Conceptual Framework Of Organizational Fairness PART II: COMPONENTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL FAIRNESS 2. Organizational Justice 3. Organizational Politics 4. Psychological Contract 5. Organizational Trust PART III: HOW DO THE COMPONENTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL FAIRNESS FIT TOGETHER? TOWARD AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO ORGANIZATIONAL FAIRNESS 6. An Integrative Approach To Organizational Justice 7. Beyond Organizational Justice: An Integrative Approach To Organizational Fairness PART IV: THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL FAIRNESS 8. The Determinants And The Process Of Fairness Perceptions PART V: FAIRNESS AND WORK OUTCOMES 9. The Relationship Between Organizational Fairness And Work Outcomes PART VI: CULTURAL ASPECTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL FAIRNESS 10. Culture, Values And Fairness PART VII: SYNTHESIS AND SUMMARY 11. Where Do We Go From Here? Conclusions And Recommendations For Future Research
Про автора
Aaron Cohen is Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Haifa, Israel. His current research interests include commitment in the workplace, organizational fairness, and misbehavior in organizations. His work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, Cross-cultural Psychology, Applied Psychology: an International Review, Human Resource Management Review.