When my colleague Dr. Paul Kent asked me which branch of Physics was most lively and which would lend itself best to a small high quality Symposium, I had no hesitation in answering ‘Cosmology’. It seemed very timely that a meeting should take place which would bring together scientists interested in all branches of Astronomy, including Cosmic Rays, and Elementary Particles too and endeavour to put at least some of the pieces of the jigsaw together. The vast majority of the papers...
When my colleague Dr. Paul Kent asked me which branch of Physics was most lively and which would lend itself best to a small high quality Symposium, I had no hesitation in answering ‘Cosmology’. It seemed very timely that a meeting should take place which would bring together scientists interested in all branches of Astronomy, including Cosmic Rays, and Elementary Particles too and endeavour to put at least some of the pieces of the jigsaw together. The vast majority of the papers presented were later produced ~n appropriate camera-ready form and are published in this volume. I am very grateful to the authors for their ready cooperation. Grateful thanks are also extended to the Board of Management of the Foster-Wills and Theodor Heuss Scholarships, Oxford University and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service) who funded the Symposium. The Director of the German Academic Exchange Service, Frau M.E. Schmitz and her colleague Mrs. Susan Putt, organized the whole meeting in a most exemplary fashion. Finally, on behalf of all participants and guests, s~ncere thanks are offered to Paul Kent as Convenor for initiating the Symposium, arranging the social events and organizing accommodation in such magnificent surroundings. Christ Church was the horne of Lewis Carrol and we were ever mindful – and appropriately so – of Alice. A. W. Wolfendale Durham, February 10th, 1982 vii A. W. Wolfendale (ed.), Progress in Cosmology, vii.