From Grapevine, the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous, powerful stories of hope and peace
Getting and staying sober in prison can be tough, but it is possible. Free on the Inside features more than 50 essays and letters from members of Alcoholics Anonymous who have experienced AA behind bars—either while serving time, as former inmates, or as outside AA members carrying the message inside through prison groups.
Motivation and inspiration can be found in chapters such as Finding AA in Prison, Staying Sober in Prison, Women Helping One Another in Prison, Working the Twelve Steps, Sponsoring Members in Prison and Carrying the AA Message into Prisons—which has long been an important and fulfilling aspect of service in the Fellowship of AA.
This collection of personal accounts of struggle and triumph, breakdowns and breakthroughs, is a comforting read for incarcerated men and women—and for those who want to help them in their rehabilitation and recovery.
Про автора
AA Grapevine is the publisher of the International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. Its primary purpose is to carry the AA message to everyone interested in alcoholism through its magazines, websites, books audiobooks and related items.