Автор: Aaron Brazell

Aaron Brazell is a leading Word Press and social mediaconsultant, with clients ranging from enterprise software companiesto small- and medium-sized businesses. He has worked on large-scale Word Press installations from both a technical/scaling perspectiveto complex deliveries involving extreme leveraging of the softwareplugin API. He maintains a large business and technology blog inthe Washington D.C. area, Technosailor.com.Mark Jaquith is one of the lead Word Press core developersand an independent Web services consultant. He has consulted formajor clients through his company, Covered Web Services, and is theauthor of several popular Word Press plugins, including Subscribe to Comments and Page Links To.

4 Електронні книги від Aaron Brazell

Aaron Brazell: WordPress Bible
A complete and thorough guide to the largest self-hostedblogging tool: Word Press Has learning Word Press become a pressing issue for you? If so, then turn to Word Press Bible, a complete resource on …
Aaron Brazell: WordPress Bible
A complete and thorough guide to the largest self-hostedblogging tool: Word Press Has learning Word Press become a pressing issue for you? If so, then turn to Word Press Bible, a complete resource on …
Aaron Brazell: WordPress Bible
Get the latest word on the biggest self-hosted blogging tool on the market Within a week of the announcement of Word Press 3.0, it had been downloaded over a million times. Now you can get on …
Aaron Brazell: WordPress Bible
Get the latest word on the biggest self-hosted blogging tool on the market Within a week of the announcement of Word Press 3.0, it had been downloaded over a million times. Now you can get on …