Associate Professor AHCENE LAHSASNA Ph D, CIFP, ACIP, RFP,
Shari`ah RFP, Shari`ah Advisor is currently
a lecturer at the International Centre for Education in Islamic
Finance (INCEIF) Malaysia, known as the Global University of
Islamic Finance. He is also the Graduate Studies academic advisor
at the same university. He received his bachelor”s degrees in
Islamic law and Islamic jurisprudence from Algeria, and his
Master”s and Ph D degrees in Islamic law and Islamic jurisprudence
from IIUM (Malaysia). Dr. Lahsasna is equipped with industry
qualifications as follows: Certificate Islamic Capital Market
Shari`ah Advisor (I Advisor), offered by the Securities
Industry Development Corporation (SIDC), Securities Commission
Malaysia; Certificate Islamic Capital Market (sukuk and structured
products), offered by the SIDC, Securities Commission Malaysia;
Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP), offered by INCEIF;
Registered Financial Planner (RFP) and Shari`ah RFP,
offered by MFPC. Dr. Lahsasna is also a member of the ACIFP,
Association of Islamic Finance Professionals, and National Council
of Malaysian Financial Planning. Currently, Dr. Lahsasna is a
registered Shari`ah advisor at Bank Negara Malaysia and
Securities Commission Malaysia; serves as Shari`ah
board member of Maybank Islamic, Etiqa Takaful in Malaysia, and RGA
Re-Takaful based in Labuan; is on the Shari`ah Advisory
Council of MFPC; and is chairman of Takaful and Shari`ah RFP
at MFPC, Malaysia. Dr. Lahsasna has been appointed by the Finance
Agency Accreditation as FAP (FAA Accreditation Panel).
3 Електронні книги від Ahcene Lahsasna
Ahcene Lahsasna: Shari’ah Non-compliance Risk Management and Legal Documentations in Islamic Finance
A comprehensive guide to one of the key risk management issues in the expanding field of Islamic finance For Islamic financial institutions, Sharia non-compliance is a growing and key risk that must …
Ahcene Lahsasna: Shari’ah Non-compliance Risk Management and Legal Documentations in Islamic Finance
A comprehensive guide to one of the key risk management issues in the expanding field of Islamic finance For Islamic financial institutions, Sharia non-compliance is a growing and key risk that must …
Ahcene Lahsasna & M. Kabir Hassan: Forward Lease Sukuk in Islamic Capital Markets
This book focuses on forward lease sukuk, which is one of the most viable and dynamic Shari’ah-compliant instruments in the Islamic capital market. The idea of forward lease sukuk is to rai …