Автор: Ahmed Tlili

Prof. Daniel Burgos works as a Full Professor of Technologies for Education & Communication and Vice-rector for International Research, at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). In addition, he holds the UNESCO Chair on e Learning and the ICDE Chair in Open Educational Resources. He works also as Director of the Research Institute for Innovation & Technology in Education. Dr. Ahmed Tlili is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, China. His research areas include game-based learning, smart learning environments, technology enhanced learning, learner modeling, adaptive learning systems, learning analytics, and educational psychology. Prof. Anita Tabacco is full professor of Mathematical Analysis at the Politecnico di Torino, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences. Her mathematical research activities are related to real and complex analysis, functional analysis, harmonic analysis with particular interest in interpolation theory, theory of wavelets and applications to PDE’s and integral equations. Moreover, she is working in the field of Engineering Education.

9 Електронні книги від Ahmed Tlili

Ahmed Tlili & Maiga Chang: Data Analytics Approaches in Educational Games and Gamification Systems
Game-based learning environments and learning analytics are attracting increasing attention from researchers and educators, since they both can enhance learning outcomes. This book focuses on the app …
Ronghuai Huang & Dejian Liu: Current State of Open Educational Resources in the “Belt and Road” Countries
This book presents the current state of Open Educational Resources (OER) within the countries covered by the China’s Belt and Road Initiative. The authors describe eight aspects of OER development in …
Daniel Burgos & Ahmed Tlili: Radical Solutions for Education in a Crisis Context
This book presents how to keep working on education in contexts of crisis, such as emergencies, zones of conflict, wars and health pandemics such as COVID-19. Specifically, this work shows a number o …
Ronghuai Huang & Bing Xin: Science Education in Countries Along the Belt & Road
This book aims to highlight science education in countries along the Belt and Road. It consists of 30 chapters divided into three main parts, namely Arab and African countries, Asian countries and Eu …
Kinshuk & Junfeng Yang: Resilience and Future of Smart Learning
This book provides an archival forum for researchers, academics, practitioners, and industry professionals interested and/or engaged in the reform of the ways of teaching and learning through advanci …
Kinshuk & Chutiporn Anutariya: Smart Learning for A Sustainable Society
This book collects the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE2023), held in Bangkok, Thailand, as a hybrid conference from 31st Aug to 1st Sep 2023. The …
Saida Affouneh & Soheil Salha: Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era—Opportunities and Challenges
This book offers authors’ practices, initiatives, and experiences in sustaining their education during the pandemic from different countries, contexts, and political situations. It provides a future …
Dejian Liu & Ronghuai Huang: Application of the Metaverse in Education
This book covers interesting topics of the metaverse in education. It introduces the metaverse as a new frontier for education and sheds light on broad views about education in the metaverse. It …
Daniel Burgos & John Willian Branch: Radical Solutions for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation in Education
This book facilitates understanding of how artificial intelligence (AI) aids and integrates digital transformation (DT) in education institutions worldwide in various scenarios: learning environments …