Автор: Alain Dieckhoff

Alain Dieckhoff is Director of the Center for International Studies (CERI) at Sciences Po, France, and CNRS Research Professor. Christophe Jaffrelot is a CNRS Research Professor at the Center for International Studies (CERI) at Sciences Po, France, Prof. of Indian politics and sociology at King´s College (London) and President of the French Political Science Association. Elise Massicard is a CNRS Research Professor at the Center for International studies (CERI) at Sciences Po, France.    

4 Електронні книги від Alain Dieckhoff

Alain Dieckhoff & Natividad Gutierrez: Modern Roots
Interest in the study of national identity as a collective phenomenon is a growing concern among the social and political sciences. This book addresses the scholarly interest in examining the origins …
Alain Dieckhoff & Natividad Gutierrez: Modern Roots
Interest in the study of national identity as a collective phenomenon is a growing concern among the social and political sciences. This book addresses the scholarly interest in examining the origins …
Alain Dieckhoff & Christophe Jaffrelot: Contemporary Populists in Power
Populism is on the rise, and so are academic studies on populism. The study of populism has long focused on the way its spokespersons have behaved as an oppositional force, in Western countries in pa …
Jean-Paul Chagnollaud & Alain Dieckhoff: Questions Internationales : Moyen-Orient : des guerres sans fin – n°103/104
Depuis de longues décennies, le Moyen-Orient est en proie aux conflits, aux tensions et aux divisions. Des religions vouées à la paix et à l’amour s’y transforment en doctrines de haine et de guerre. …