A completely revised and updated edition that teaches the essentials of forensic biology, with increased coverage of molecular biological techniques and new information on wildlife forensics, wound analysis and the potential of microbiomes as forensic indicators
This fully revised and updated introduction to forensic biology carefully guides the reader through the science of biology in legal investigations. Full-colour throughout, including many new images, it offers an accessible overview to the essentials of the subject, providing balanced coverage of the range of organisms used as evidence in forensic investigations, such as invertebrates, vertebrates, plants and microbes. The book provides an accessible overview of the decay process and discusses the role of forensic indicators like human fluids and tissues, including bloodstain pattern analysis, hair, teeth, bones and wounds. It also examines the study of forensic biology in cases of suspicious death.
This third edition of Essential Forensic Biology expands its coverage of molecular techniques throughout, offering additional material on bioterrorism and wildlife forensics. The new chapter titled ‘Wildlife Forensics’ looks at welfare legislation, CITES and the use of forensic techniques to investigate criminal activity such as wildlife trafficking and dog fighting. The use of DNA and RNA for the identification of individuals and their personal characteristics is now covered as well, along with a discussion of the ethical issues associated with the maintenance of DNA databases.
* Fully revised and updated third edition of the successful student-friendly introduction to the essentials of Forensic Biology
* Covers a wide variety of legal investigations such as homicide, suspicious death, neglect, real and fraudulent claims for the sale of goods unfit for purpose, the illegal trade in protected species of plants and animals and bioterrorism
* Discusses the use of a wide variety of biological material for forensic evidence
* Supported by a website that includes numerous photographs, interactive MCQs, self-assessment quizzes and a series of questions and topics for further study to enhance student understanding
* Includes a range of important, key case studies in which the difficulties of evaluating biological evidence are highlighted
Essential Forensic Biology, Third Edition is an excellent guide for undergraduates studying forensic science and forensic biology.
Introduction xvii
Acknowledgements xxv
About the Companion Website xxvii
Part I Decay and the Discovery and Recovery of Human Remains 1
1 The Decay of Human Bodies 3
2 The Discovery, Recovery, and Study of Human Bodies 29
Part II DNA Analysis 41
3 Molecular Biology 43
Part III Body Tissues and Fluids and Wound Analysis 81
4 Blood 83
5 Saliva, Semen, Vitreous Humour, Urine, and Faeces 109
6 Human Tissues 123
7 Wounds 157
Part IV Invertebrates 205
8 Invertebrates 1: Biological Aspects 207
9 Invertebrates 2: Practical Aspects 239
Part V Vertebrates and Wildlife Crime 271
10 Vertebrates 273
11 Wildlife Forensics 301
Part VI Plants, Protists, Fungi, and Microbes 327
12 Protists, Fungi, and Plants 329
13 Microbes and Viruses 365
References 397
Index 435
Про автора
ALAN GUNN, PHD, is Principal Lecturer and Subject Leader for Biosciences at the School of Natural Sciences & Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, UK.