Once a year at a very secret location within the Forest known only to the animal kingdom, a special event takes place…
This year one lucky family have managed to acquire tickets…
Everyone in Big Grandads family will enjoy the festivities of this years ‘Forest Tournament’
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I am Alan Riches born in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. February 1959I left school in 1975 with limited educational achievements.I joined the Royal Navy straight from school and served her majesty for 23 years.I left the Royal Navy in 1999 and now work in the water industry.Unfortunately I have been divorced on two occasions but have three children from my first marriage and I am the proud father of three lovely now grown up children Stefanie , Garry and Daniel and at present two lovely grandsons Ben and Leo both 7 years old (A third a granddaughter due to be born at the end of November.)I live at present in the little Naval town of Gosport England with my long time partner Susan. I have always had a vision to tell a good story ( Or so I am told and my grandson Leo would constantly ask me for a story) I have many unfinished manuscripts in my head that may or may not get finished one day. I want to put my story into a book for my two grandsons for their children as a momento from their grandfather.