Part 1: Management of the Potential Transplant Recipient.
Chapter 1. Selection and Evaluation of the Recipient(including Retransplantation).
Don C. Rockey.
Part 1: Management of the Potential Transplant Recipient.
Chapter 1. Selection and Evaluation of the Recipient(including Retransplantation).
Don C. Rockey.
Chapter 2. Monitoring the Patient Awaiting Transplantation.
Beat Mullhaupt.
Chapter 3. Management of Portal Hypertension and Biliary Problems Prior to Transplantation.
Nazia Selzner, Janet E. Tuttle-Newhall, and Beat Mullhaupt.
Chapter 4. Psychosocial Evaluation of the Potential Recipient.
Robyn Lewis Claar.
Chapter 5. Financial Considerations.
Paul C. Kuo and Rebecca A. Schroeder.
Chapter 6. Donor Organ Distribution.
Richard B. Freeman, Jr and Jeffrey Cooper.
Chapter 7. Viral Hepatitis.
Paul G. Killenberg.
Chapter 8. Hepatoma.
Maria Varela, Margarita Sala, and M. Jordi Bruix.
Chapter 9. Alcoholism and Alcoholic Liver Disease.
Mark Hudson and Kaushik Agarwal.
Chapter 10. Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis.
(including Cholangiocarcinoma), and Autoimmune Hepatitis.
Beat Mullhaupt and Alastair D. Smith.
Chapter 11. Metabolic Diseases.
David A. Tendler.
Chapter 12. Living Donor Liver Transplantation.
James F. Trotter and Wesley Kasen.
Chapter 13. Fulminant Hepatic Failure.
Michael A. Heneghan.
Part 2: Management in the Perioperative Period.
Chapter 14. The Transplant Operation.
Lucas Mc Cormack, Markus Selzner, and Pierre-Alain Clavien.
Chapter 15. The Difficult Surgical Patient.
Robert J. Porte, Lucas Mc Cormack, and Pierre-Alain Clavien.
Chapter 16. Surgical Aspects of Living Donor Transplantation.
Zakiyah Kadry and Pierre-Alain Clavien.
Chapter 17. Anesthesia.
Kerri M. Robertson and Marco Piero Zalunardo.
Chapter 18. Recovery in the Immediate Postoperative Period.
Julie S. Hudson and Judith W. Gentile.
Chapter 19. Rejection.
Bradley H. Collins and Dev M. Desai.
Chapter 20. Vascular Complications.
Paul Suhocki, S. Ravi Chari, and Richard L. Mc Cann.
Chapter 21. Biliary Complications following Liver Transplantation.
Lucas Mc Cormack and Peter Bauerfeind.
Chapter 22. The Role of Histopathology.
Mary K. Washington and M. David N. Howell.
Part 3: Chronic Medical Problems in the Transplant Recipient.
Chapter 23. Medical Problems after Liver Transplantation.
Eberhard L. Renner and Jean-Francois Dufour.
Chapter 24. Recurrence of the Original Liver Disease.
Alastair D. Smith.
Chapter 25. Infections in the Transplant Recipient.
Barbara D. Alexander and Kimberly Hanson.
Chapter 26. Renal Function Posttransplant.
Stephen R. Smith.
Chapter 27. Cutaneous Diseases in the Transplant Recipient.
Sarah A. Myers and Juan-Carlos Martinez.
Chapter 28. Productivity and Social Rehabilitation of the Transplant Recipient.
Karli S. Pontillo.
Part 4: Medications.
Chapter 29. Immunosuppressive Medications.
Andrew J. Muir.
Chapter 30. Drug Interactions with Commonly Used Immunosuppressive Agents.
Paul G. Killenberg.
Part 5: Pediatric Liver Transplantation.
Chapter 31. Special Considerations for Liver Transplantation in Children.
Martin Burdelski and Xavier Rogiers.
Part 6: Liver Transplantation in the Future.
Chapter 32. New Approaches.
Markus Selzner and Leo Buhler.