Housing is increasingly unattainable in successful global cities, and Toronto is no exception — in part because of zoning that protects “stable” residential neighborhoods with high property values.
House Divided is a citizen’s guide for changing the way housing can work in big cities. Using Toronto as a case study, this anthology unpacks the affordability crisis and offers innovative ideas for creating housing for all ages and demographic groups. With charts, maps, data, and policy prescriptions,
House Divided poses tough questions about the issue that will make or break the global city of the future.
Про автора
Annabel Vaughan is an Architect and Project Manager at era Architects Inc. Her recent interest lies in the intersection between architecture as a spatial practice reflected in a single built work and the broader role of architecture as an agent for cultural production in the city. She writes, teaches and participates regularly in discussions concerning the role that architecture and public art can play as agents of political change in the city. Her professional work includes small-scale landscape architecture insertions, civic and residential building design, urban design and research, performance art lectures, and curatorial projects. She currently lives in Toronto.