Unfortunately, most visitors to Alaska have but a few days to explore. As a result, much goes unseen and unknown. Gain the visions you missed by hitchhiking along with my recollections of a ten year foray into the Last Frontier. Drive the Alaska Highway, taking side trips to Dawson City and Valdez. Stalk moose and catch salmon with Athabascan Indians who still follow a subsistence way of life. Observe an Inupiaq whale hunt on the Arctic Ocean. Visit the rural neighborhood where dog sledding heroes, such as Lance Mackey and Ken Anderson, live and practice their sport. Fly by bush plane into remote camps and live with exploration teams. See how frontier boom towns, like Fairbanks and Nome, as well as Native villages, are evolving. These and many more exciting adventures await. You can’t see Alaska in a few days. But you can experience it through my eyes and Far North Adventure.