The book presents a collection of accepted papers from the 3DGeoinfo 2015 international conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from October 28 – 30, 2015. All papers underwent double-blind review by experts from around the globe. The conference brought together pioneering international researchers and practitioners to facilitate the dialogue on emerging topics in the field of 3D geo-information. The focus areas include:
- Data Collection and Modeling: advanced approaches for 3D data collection, reconstruction and methods for representation
- Data Management: topological, geometrical and network models for maintenance of 3D geoinformation
- Data Analysis and Visualization: frameworks for representing 3D spatial relationships, 3D spatial analysis and algorithms for navigation, interpolation, advanced VR, AR and MR visualisation, as well as 3D visualization on mobile devices
- 3D Applications: city models, Cadastre, LBS, etc.
Realistic benchmarks for point cloud data management systems.- Does a finer level of detail of a 3D city model bring an improvement for estimating shadows?.- Interactive and view-dependent see-through lenses for massive 3D point clouds.- Representative for City GML instance models in Base X.- A 3D LADM prototype implementation in INTERLIS.- Web-based tool for the sustainable refurbishment in historic districts based on 3D city model.- Comparison of 2D and 3D parameter-based models in urban fine dust distribution modelling.- Investigating semantic functionality of 3D geometry for land administration.- 3D complete traffic noise analysis based on City GML.- Automatic semantic and geometric enrichment of City GML building models using Ho G-based template matching.- Stochastic buildings generation to assist in the design of right to build plans.- 3D marine administration system based on LADM.- A data model for the interactive construction and correction of 3D building geometry based on planarhalf-spaces.- The potential of 3D Dual Half-Edge (DHE) data structure for integrated 2D-space and scale modelling: a review.- Towards integrating BIM and GIS – an end-to-end example from point cloud to analysis