The book details deep learning models like ANN, RNN, LSTM, in many industrial sectors such as transportation, healthcare, military, agriculture, with valid and effective results, which will help researchers find solutions to their deep learning research problems.
We have entered the era of smart world devices, where robots or machines are being used in most applications to solve real-world problems. These smart machines/devices reduce the burden on doctors, which in turn make their lives easier and the lives of their patients better, thereby increasing patient longevity, which is the ultimate goal of computer vision. Therefore, the goal in writing this book is to attempt to provide complete information on reliable deep learning models required for e-healthcare applications. Ways in which deep learning can enhance healthcare images or text data for making useful decisions are discussed. Also presented are reliable deep learning models, such as neural networks, convolutional neural networks, backpropagation, and recurrent neural networks, which are increasingly being used in medical image processing, including for colorization of black and white X-ray images, automatic machine translation images, object classification in photographs/images (CT scans), character or useful generation (ECG), image caption generation, etc. Hence, reliable deep learning methods for the perception or production of better results are a necessity for highly effective e-healthcare applications. Currently, the most difficult data-related problem that needs to be solved concerns the rapid increase of data occurring each day via billions of smart devices. To address the growing amount of data in healthcare applications, challenges such as not having standard tools, efficient algorithms, and a sufficient number of skilled data scientists need to be overcome. Hence, there is growing interest in investigating deep learning models and their use in e-healthcare applications.
Researchers in artificial intelligence, big data, computer science, and electronic engineering, as well as industry engineers in transportation, healthcare, biomedicine, military, agriculture.
Preface xix
Part I: Deep Learning and Its Models 1
1 CNN: A Review of Models, Application of IVD Segmentation 3
Leena Silvoster M. and R. Mathusoothana S. Kumar
1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Various CNN Models 4
1.2.1 Le Net-5 4
1.2.2 Alex Net 7
1.2.3 ZFNet 8
1.2.4 VGGNet 10
1.2.5 Goog Le Net 12
1.2.6 Res Net 16
1.2.7 Res Ne Xt 21
1.2.8 SE-Res Net 24
1.2.9 Dense Net 24
1.2.10 Mobile Nets 25
1.3 Application of CNN to IVD Detection 26
1.4 Comparison With State-of-the-Art Segmentation Approaches for Spine T2W Images 28
1.5 Conclusion 28
References 33
2 Location-Aware Keyword Query Suggestion Techniques With Artificial Intelligence Perspective 35
R. Ravinder Reddy, C. Vaishnavi, Ch. Mamatha and S. Ananthakumaran
2.1 Introduction 36
2.2 Related Work 39
2.3 Artificial Intelligence Perspective 41
2.3.1 Keyword Query Suggestion 42 Random Walk–Based Approaches 42 Cluster-Based Approaches 42 Learning to Rank Approaches 43
2.3.2 User Preference From Log 43
2.3.3 Location-Aware Keyword Query Suggestion 44
2.3.4 Enhancement With AI Perspective 44 Case Study 45
2.4 Architecture 46
2.4.1 Distance Measures 47
2.5 Conclusion 49
References 49
3 Identification of a Suitable Transfer Learning Architecture for Classification: A Case Study with Liver Tumors 53
B. Lakshmi Priya, K. Jayanthi, Biju Pottakkat and G. Ramkumar
3.1 Introduction 54
3.2 Related Works 56
3.3 Convolutional Neural Networks 58
3.3.1 Feature Learning in CNNs 59
3.3.2 Classification in CNNs 60
3.4 Transfer Learning 61
3.4.1 Alex Net 61
3.4.2 Goog Le Net 62
3.4.3 Residual Networks 63 Res Net-18 65 Res Net-50 65
3.5 System Model 66
3.6 Results and Discussions 67
3.6.1 Dataset 67
3.6.2 Assessment of Transfer Learning Architectures 67
3.7 Conclusion 73
References 74
4 Optimization and Deep Learning-Based Content Retrieval, Indexing, and Metric Learning Approach for Medical Images 79
Suresh Kumar K., Sundaresan S., Nishanth R. and Ananth Kumar T.
4.1 Introduction 80
4.2 Related Works 82
4.3 Proposed Method 85
4.3.1 Input Dataset 86
4.3.2 Pre-Processing 86
4.3.3 Combination of DCNN and CFML 86
4.3.4 Fine Tuning and Optimization 88
4.3.5 Feature Extraction 89
4.3.6 Localization of Abnormalities in MRI and CT Scanned Images 90
4.4 Results and Discussion 92
4.4.1 Metric Learning 92
4.4.2 Comparison of the Various Models for Image Retrieval 92
4.4.3 Precision vs. Recall Parameters Estimation for the CBIR 93
4.4.4 Convolutional Neural Networks–Based Landmark Localization 96
4.5 Conclusion 104
References 104
Part II: Applications of Deep Learning 107
5 Deep Learning for Clinical and Health Informatics 109
Amit Kumar Tyagi and Meghna Mannoj Nair
5.1 Introduction 110
5.1.1 Deep Learning Over Machine Learning 111
5.2 Related Work 113
5.3 Motivation 115
5.4 Scope of the Work in Past, Present, and Future 115
5.5 Deep Learning Tools, Methods Available for Clinical, and Health Informatics 117
5.6 Deep Learning: Not-So-Near Future in Biomedical Imaging 119
5.6.1 Types of Medical Imaging 119
5.6.2 Use and Benefits of Medical Imaging 120
5.7 Challenges Faced Toward Deep Learning Using Biomedical Imaging 121
5.7.1 Deep Learning in Healthcare: Limitations and Challenges 122
5.8 Open Research Issues and Future Research Directions Biomedical Imaging (Healthcare Informatics) 124
5.9 Conclusion 127
References 127
6 Biomedical Image Segmentation by Deep Learning Methods 131
K. Anita Davamani, C.R. Rene Robin, S. Amudha and L. Jani Anbarasi
6.1 Introduction 132
6.2 Overview of Deep Learning Algorithms 135
6.2.1 Deep Learning Classifier (DLC) 136
6.2.2 Deep Learning Architecture 137
6.3 Other Deep Learning Architecture 139
6.3.1 Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) 139
6.3.2 Deep Learning Architecture Containing Autoencoders 140
6.3.3 Sparse Coding Deep Learning Architecture 141
6.3.4 Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) 141
6.3.5 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) 141
6.4 Biomedical Image Segmentation 145
6.4.1 Clinical Images 146
6.4.2 X-Ray Imaging 146
6.4.3 Computed Tomography (CT) 147
6.4.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 147
6.4.5 Ultrasound Imaging (US) 148
6.4.6 Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) 148
6.5 Conclusion 149
References 149
7 Multi-Lingual Handwritten Character Recognition Using Deep Learning 155
Giriraj Parihar, Ratnavel Rajalakshmi and Bhuvana J.
7.1 Introduction 156
7.2 Related Works 157
7.3 Materials and Methods 160
7.4 Experiments and Results 161
7.4.1 Dataset Description 162 Handwritten Math Symbols 162 Bangla Handwritten Character Dataset 162 Devanagari Handwritten Character Dataset 162
7.4.2 Experimental Setup 162
7.4.3 Hype-Parameters 164 English Model 164 Hindi Model 165 Bangla Model 165 Math Symbol Model 165 Combined Model 166
7.4.4 Results and Discussion 167 Performance of Uni-Language Models 167 Uni-Language Model on English Dataset 168 Uni-Language Model on Hindi Dataset 168 Uni-Language Model on Bangla Dataset 169 Uni-Language Model on Math Symbol Dataset 169 Performance of Multi-Lingual Model on Combined Dataset 171
7.5 Conclusion 177
References 178
8 Disease Detection Platform Using Image Processing Through Open CV 181
Neetu Faujdar and Aparna Sinha
8.1 Introduction 182
8.1.1 Image Processing 183
8.2 Problem Statement 183
8.2.1 Cataract 183 Causes 184 Types of Cataracts 184 Cataract Detection 185 Treatment 186 Prevention 186 Methodology 186
8.2.2 Eye Cancer 192 Symptoms 194 Causes of Retinoblastoma 194 Phases 195 Spreading of Cancer 196 Diagnosis 196 Treatment 197 Methodology 199
8.2.3 Skin Cancer (Melanoma) 202 Signs and Symptoms 203 Stages 203 Causes of Melanoma 204 Diagnosis 204 Treatment 205 Methodology 206 Asymmetry 207 Border 208 Color 208 Diameter Detection 209 Calculating TDS (Total Dermoscopy Score) 210
8.3 Conclusion 210
8.4 Summary 212
References 212
9 Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis in Hepatitis Patients Using Convolutional Neural Network 217
Aswathy S. U., Ajesh F., Shermin Shamsudheen and Jarin T.
9.1 Introduction 218
9.2 Overview of System 219
9.3 Methodology 219
9.3.1 Dataset 220
9.3.2 Pre-Processing 221
9.3.3 Feature Extraction 221
9.3.4 Feature Selection and Normalization 223
9.3.5 Classification Model 225
9.4 Performance and Analysis 227
9.5 Experimental Results 232
9.6 Conclusion and Future Scope 232
References 233
Part III: Future Deep Learning Models 237
10 Lung Cancer Prediction in Deep Learning Perspective 239
Nikita Banerjee and Subhalaxmi Das
10.1 Introduction 239
10.2 Machine Learning and Its Application 240
10.2.1 Machine Learning 240
10.2.2 Different Machine Learning Techniques 241 Decision Tree 242 Support Vector Machine 242 Random Forest 242 K-Means Clustering 242
10.3 Related Work 243
10.4 Why Deep Learning on Top of Machine Learning? 245
10.4.1 Deep Neural Network 246
10.4.2 Deep Belief Network 247
10.4.3 Convolutional Neural Network 247
10.5 How is Deep Learning Used for Prediction of Lungs Cancer? 248
10.5.1 Proposed Architecture 248 Pre-Processing Block 250 Segmentation 250 Classification 252
10.6 Conclusion 253
References 253
11 Lesion Detection and Classification for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Based on Deep CNNs from Digital Mammographic Data 257
Diksha Rajpal, Sumita Mishra and Anil Kumar
11.1 Introduction 257
11.2 Background 258
11.2.1 Methods of Diagnosis of Breast Cancer 258
11.2.2 Types of Breast Cancer 260
11.2.3 Breast Cancer Treatment Options 261
11.2.4 Limitations and Risks of Diagnosis and Treatment Options 262 Limitation of Diagnosis Methods 262 Limitations of Treatment Plans 263
11.2.5 Deep Learning Methods for Medical Image Analysis: Tumor Classification 263
11.3 Methods 265
11.3.1 Digital Repositories 265 DDSM Database 265 AMDI Database 265 IRMA Database 265 Break His Database 265 MIAS Database 266
11.3.2 Data Pre-Processing 266 Advantages of Pre-Processing Images 267
11.3.3 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) 268 Architecture of CNN 269
11.3.4 Hyper-Parameters 272 Number of Hidden Layers 273 Dropout Rate 273 Activation Function 273 Learning Rate 274 Number of Epochs 274 Batch Size 274
11.3.5 Techniques to Improve CNN Performance 274 Hyper-Parameter Tuning 274 Augmenting Images 274 Managing Over-Fitting and Under-Fitting 275
11.4 Application of Deep CNN for Mammography 275
11.4.1 Lesion Detection and Localization 275
11.4.2 Lesion Classification 279
11.5 System Model and Results 280
11.5.1 System Model 280
11.5.2 System Flowchart 281 MIAS Database 281 Unannotated Images 281
11.5.3 Results 282 Distribution and Processing of Dataset 282 Training of the Model 283 Prediction of Unannotated Images 286
11.6 Research Challenges and Discussion on Future Directions 286
11.7 Conclusion 288
References 289
12 Health Prediction Analytics Using Deep Learning Methods and Applications 293
Sapna Jain, M. Afshar Alam, Nevine Makrim Labib and Eiad Yafi
12.1 Introduction 294
12.2 Background 298
12.3 Predictive Analytics 299
12.4 Deep Learning Predictive Analysis Applications 305
12.4.1 Deep Learning Application Model to Predict COVID-19 Infection 305
12.4.2 Deep Transfer Learning for Mitigating the COVID-19 Pandemic 308
12.4.3 Health Status Prediction for the Elderly Based on Machine Learning 309
12.4.4 Deep Learning in Machine Health Monitoring 311
12.5 Discussion 319
12.6 Conclusion 320
References 321
13 Ambient-Assisted Living of Disabled Elderly in an Intelligent Home Using Behavior Prediction—A Reliable Deep Learning Prediction System 329
Sophia S., Sridevi U.K., Boselin Prabhu S.R. and P. Thamaraiselvi
13.1 Introduction 330
13.2 Activities of Daily Living and Behavior Analysis 331
13.3 Intelligent Home Architecture 333
13.4 Methodology 335
13.4.1 Record the Behaviors Using Sensor Data 335
13.4.2 Classify Discrete Events and Relate the Events Using Data Analysis Algorithms 335
13.4.3 Construct Behavior Dictionaries for Flexible Event Intervals Using Deep Learning Concepts 335
13.4.4 Use the Dictionary in Modeling the Behavior Patterns Through Prediction Techniques 336
13.4.5 Detection of Deviations From Expected Behaviors Aiding the Automated Elderly Monitoring Based on Decision Support Algorithm Systems 336
13.5 Senior Analytics Care Model 337
13.6 Results and Discussions 338
13.7 Conclusion 341
Nomenclature 341
References 342
14 Early Diagnosis Tool for Alzheimer’s Disease Using 3D Slicer 343
V. Krishna Kumar, M.S. Geetha Devasena and G. Gopu
14.1 Introduction 344
14.2 Related Work 345
14.3 Existing System 347
14.4 Proposed System 347
14.4.1 Usage of 3D Slicer 350
14.5 Results and Discussion 353
14.6 Conclusion 356
References 356
Part IV: Deep Learning – Importance and Challenges for Other Sectors 361
15 Deep Learning for Medical Healthcare: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities 363
Meenu Gupta, Akash Gupta and Gaganjot Kaur
15.1 Introduction 364
15.2 Related Work 365
15.3 Development of Personalized Medicine Using Deep Learning: A New Revolution in Healthcare Industry 367
15.3.1 Deep Feedforward Neural Network (DFF) 367
15.3.2 Convolutional Neural Network 367
15.3.3 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) 369
15.3.4 Long/Short-Term Memory (LSTM) 369
15.3.5 Deep Belief Network (DBN) 370
15.3.6 Autoencoder (AE) 370
15.4 Deep Learning Applications in Precision Medicine 370
15.4.1 Discovery of Biomarker and Classification of Patient 370
15.4.2 Medical Imaging 371
15.5 Deep Learning for Medical Imaging 372
15.5.1 Medical Image Detection 372 Pathology Detection 372 Detection of Image Plane 373 Anatomical Landmark Localization 373
15.5.2 Medical Image Segmentation 373 Supervised Algorithms 374 Semi-Supervised Algorithms 374
15.5.3 Medical Image Enhancement 375 Two-Dimensional Super-Resolution Techniques 375 Three-Dimensional Super-Resolution Techniques 375
15.6 Drug Discovery and Development: A Promise Fulfilled by Deep Learning Technology 375
15.6.1 Prediction of Drug Properties 376
15.6.2 Prediction of Drug-Target Interaction 377
15.7 Application Areas of Deep Learning in Healthcare 377
15.7.1 Medical Chatbots 377
15.7.2 Smart Health Records 377
15.7.3 Cancer Diagnosis 378
15.8 Privacy Issues Arising With the Usage of Deep Learning in Healthcare 379
15.8.1 Private Data 379
15.8.2 Privacy Attacks 380 Evasion Attack 380 White-Box Attack 380 Black-Box Attack 380 Poisoning Attack 381
15.8.3 Privacy-Preserving Techniques 381 Differential Privacy With Deep Learning 381 Homomorphic Encryption (HE) on Deep Learning 382 Secure Multiparty Computation on Deep Learning 383
15.9 Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare Using Deep Learning 383
15.10 Conclusion and Future Scope 386
References 387
16 A Perspective Analysis of Regularization and Optimization Techniques in Machine Learning 393
Ajeet K. Jain, PVRD Prasad Rao and K. Venkatesh Sharma
16.1 Introduction 394
16.1.1 Data Formats 395 Structured Data 395 Unstructured Data 396 Semi-Structured Data 396
16.1.2 Beginning With Learning Machines 397 Perception 397 Artificial Neural Network 398 Deep Networks and Learning 399 Model Selection, Over-Fitting, and Under-Fitting 400
16.2 Regularization in Machine Learning 402
16.2.1 Hamadard Conditions 403
16.2.2 Tikhonov Generalized Regularization 404
16.2.3 Ridge Regression 406
16.2.4 Lasso—L1 Regularization 406
16.2.5 Dropout as Regularization Feature 407
16.2.6 Augmenting Dataset 408
16.2.7 Early Stopping Criteria 408
16.3 Convexity Principles 409
16.3.1 Convex Sets 410 Affine Set and Convex Functions 411 Properties of Convex Functions 411
16.3.2 Optimization and Role of Optimizer in ML 413 Gradients-Descent Optimization Methods 414 Non-Convexity of Cost Functions 416 Basic Maths of SGD 418 Saddle Points 418 Gradient Pointing in the Wrong Direction 420 Momentum-Based Optimization 423
16.4 Conclusion and Discussion 424
References 425
17 Deep Learning-Based Prediction Techniques for Medical Care: Opportunities and Challenges 429
S. Subasree and N. K. Sakthivel
17.1 Introduction 430
17.2 Machine Learning and Deep Learning Framework 431
17.2.1 Supervised Learning 433
17.2.2 Unsupervised Learning 433
17.2.3 Reinforcement Learning 434
17.2.4 Deep Learning 434
17.3 Challenges and Opportunities 435
17.3.1 Literature Review 435
17.4 Clinical Databases—Electronic Health Records 436
17.5 Data Analytics Models—Classifiers and Clusters 436
17.5.1 Criteria for Classification 438 Probabilistic Classifier 439 Support Vector Machines (SVMs) 439 K-Nearest Neighbors 440
17.5.2 Criteria for Clustering 441 K-Means Clustering 442 Mean Shift Clustering 442
17.6 Deep Learning Approaches and Association Predictions 444
17.6.1 G-HR: Gene Signature–Based HRF Cluster 444 G-HR Procedure 446
17.6.2 Deep Learning Approach and Association Predictions 446 Deep Learning Approach 446 Intelligent Human Disease-Gene Association Prediction Technique (IHDGAP) 447 Convolution Neural Network 447 Disease Semantic Similarity 449 Computation of Scoring Matrix 450
17.6.3 Identified Problem 450
17.6.4 Deep Learning–Based Human Diseases Pattern Prediction Technique for High-Dimensional Human Diseases Datasets (ECNN-HDPT) 451
17.6.5 Performance Analysis 453
17.7 Conclusion 457
17.8 Applications 458
References 459
18 Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Open Issues and Future Research Directions for the Next 10 Years 463
Akshara Pramod, Harsh Sankar Naicker and Amit Kumar Tyagi
18.1 Introduction 464
18.1.1 Comparison Among Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning 465
18.1.2 Machine Learning 465 Importance of Machine Learning in Present Business Scenario 467 Applications of Machine Learning 467 Machine Learning Methods Used in Current Era 469
18.1.3 Deep Learning 471 Applications of Deep Learning 471 Deep Learning Techniques/Methods Used in Current Era 473
18.2 Evolution of Machine Learning and Deep Learning 475
18.3 The Forefront of Machine Learning Technology 476
18.3.1 Deep Learning 476
18.3.2 Reinforcement Learning 477
18.3.3 Transfer Learning 477
18.3.4 Adversarial Learning 477
18.3.5 Dual Learning 478
18.3.6 Distributed Machine Learning 478
18.3.7 Meta Learning 478
18.4 The Challenges Facing Machine Learning and Deep Learning 478
18.4.1 Explainable Machine Learning 479
18.4.2 Correlation and Causation 479
18.4.3 Machine Understands the Known and is Aware of the Unknown 479
18.4.4 People-Centric Machine Learning Evolution 480
18.4.5 Explainability: Stems From Practical Needs and Evolves Constantly 480
18.5 Possibilities With Machine Learning and Deep Learning 481
18.5.1 Possibilities With Machine Learning 481 Lightweight Machine Learning and Edge Computing 481 Quantum Machine Learning 482 Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Linear Algebra 482 Quantum Reinforcement Learning 483 Simple and Elegant Natural Laws 483 Improvisational Learning 484 Social Machine Learning 485
18.5.2 Possibilities With Deep Learning 485 Quantum Deep Learning 485
18.6 Potential Limitations of Machine Learning and Deep Learning 486
18.6.1 Machine Learning 486
18.6.2 Deep Learning 487
18.7 Conclusion 488
Acknowledgement 489
Contribution/Disclosure 489
References 489
Index 491
Про автора
Amit Kumar Tyagi is an assistant professor and senior researcher at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai Campus, India. He received his Ph D in 2018 from Pondicherry Central University, India. He has published more than 8 patents in the area of deep learning, Internet of Things, cyber physical systems and computer vision.