Jin Haina is a professor of translation, film and communication studies at the Communication University of China. Her research interests include audiovisual translation, translation history, film history, and translated cinema. She has published a monograph entitled
Towards a History of Translating Chinese Silent Films (1905–1949) and is now working on a sequel, which will cover the 110-year history of translating Chinese films into foreign languages. She has guested a special issue on the translation and dissemination of Chinese cinemas for
Journal of Chinese Cinemas (Routledge). She is the editor in chief of
Journal of Chinese Film Studies (De Grutyer, to be launched in 2021) and an editor for
Cogent Arts and Humanities (Routledge) and on the scientific board of
Journal of Audiovisual Translation. She is also the translator of
Film and Television Culture in China (Paths, 2018) and
General History of Chinese Film (Routledge, Forthcoming).
Anna Stecher is a lecturer in Sinology at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, Germany. She works on contemporary Chinese literature and theatre, focusing especially on questions of representation, adaptation and dramaturgy. Her publications include a book-length study on Lin Zhaohua, China’s most important theatre director of the last decades, Im Dialog mit dem chinesischen Schauspieljahrhundert: Studien zum Theater von Lin Zhaohua (2014) as well as an edited volume with six contemporary Chinese dramas in German translation Chinas Schauspiel: Nah am Nerv. Sechs Stückübersetzungen (Gissenwehrer, Stecher 2018).
Rebecca Ehrenwirth is a professor of translation at the International University of Applied Sciences/SDI Munich. Her research interests include Sinophone studies with a special focus on contemporary literature, art and film as well as postcolonial studies. She is the editor of the monograph Zeitgenoessische sinophone Literatur in Thailand (Harrassowitz, 2018) and the co-editor of a biography on Jane Austen, By a Lady: Das Leben der Jane Austen (Lambert Schneider, 2017).
2 Електронні книги від Anna Stecher
Haina Jin & Anna Stecher: Contemporary German–Chinese Cultures in Dialogue
This book provides a unique perspective on contemporary German and Chinese cultural encounters. Moving away from highlighting exchanges between the two countries in terms of colonial connections, rel …
Haina Jin & Anna Stecher: Zeitgenössische deutsch-chinesische Kulturen im Dialog
Dieses Buch bietet eine einzigartige Perspektive auf zeitgenössische deutsch-chinesische kulturelle Begegnungen. Statt den Austausch zwischen den beiden Ländern im Hinblick auf koloniale Verbindungen …