Having established in the ontopoiesis/phenomenology of life the creative function of the human being as the fulcrum of our beingness-in-becoming, let us now turn to investigate the creative logos.
In this collection, the momentum of a gathering ‘creative brainstorm’ leads to the vertiginous imaginative transformability of the creative logos as it ciphers through the aesthetic sense, the elements of experience – sensing, feeling, emotions, forming – in works of art, thus lifting human experience into spirit and culture.
The Brainstorm of Creative Experience.- The Ontopoiesis of Leonardo da Vinci’S Brainstorm Drawings.- Phenomenology of the Countenance: Portraying the Soul, Staging a Lived Experience.- Principios de Objetividad Poética.- Essential Poiesis.- Musical Progeny: The Case of Phenomenology and Music.- Art, Alterity and Logos: In the Spaces of Separation.- Logos, Rationale and Desire in Convergent Art Practices.- The Work of Art and Its Experiential Radius.- Phenomenological Interretation of the Work of Art: R. Ingarden, M. Dufrenne, P. Ricoeur.- Painting from the Heart: Beauty, Moore and Merleau-Ponty’s Wholes of Visibility.- On Phenomenology of Memory and Memorial (in Terms of Architectural and Landscaping Creations).- Patina — Atmosphere — Aroma.- The Persistence of Phenomenological Time: Reflections on Three Recent Chinese Films.- Notes on the Art of Memory.- The Truth of Suffering (Levinas) and the Truth Crystallized in the Work of Art.- Various Aesthetic Rays in Literature.- Articulate Spontaneity and the Aesthetic Imagination.- Exploring Aesthetic Perception of the Real in Iris Murdoch’S the Black Prince.- Fiction and the Growth of Moral Consciousness: Attention and Evil.- Phenomenology of Emotions: Aurel Kolnai’s on Disgust and Jacobean Drama.- Light/Shadow.- A Phenomenological Theory of Literary Creativity: Ricoeur and Joyce.- Basic Conditionings of the Inner and Corporeal Life.- Phenomenology for World Reconstruction.