First published in 1901, Esoteric Christianity, or the Lesser Mysteries is a remarkable book in which Besant asserts that Christian doctrine and religion has deep and secret truths that, once revealed, will enable anyone to reach the Divine. Besant teaches that the Divine spirit in each individual, referred to as the ‘mind of Christ’ or ‘Christ-Soul, ‘ is the answer to evolution itself.
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Annie Besant (1847–1933) was a British women’s rights activist and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule. Her friendship with H. P. Blavatsky and interest in Theosophy eventually overtook most of her secular interests—such as Union organizing, the Fabian Society, and the Marxist Social Democratic Federation. Besant became the Theosophical Society’s president in 1907. She had a deep devotion to India where she traveled extensively and helped establish the Central Hindu College.