Over the years, the rising obesity rates in the western world have become a cause for concern. According to new global analysis, no country has been able to succeed in curbing obesity rates in the last four decades or so. This current obesity epidemic has been put down to a lot of things but mainly stem as a result of modernization. Years ago people needed to live far more active lives to get things done. In this day and age just about everything can be automated or delivered to your door step. Also, another major factor has been the invention of processed foods. It has now come to the point where obesity is considered a disease and requires medical attention and intervention. This problem is fast spreading all round the world posing health threats everywhere.
Anybody who is overweight is at risk. A major risk is that of heart disease, which usually ends up in a heart attack. Other health risks you are exposed to is having a stroke, cancer, liver problems, type 2 diabetes and difficulty in breathing – amongst others. The dangers of being overweight go beyond just affecting our health but even our daily lives. It also affects your flexibility in getting things done. It makes you feel sluggish and lazy. The speed at which you get things done is now decreased. Being overweight prevents you from having a proper sleep and rest, thereby hampering your approach on your daily activities. Losing weight can’t be achieved in just a wink of an eye. Before you reach your main goal, you have to take accurate steps and get rid of your unhealthy lifestyle.
Depending on your preferred schemes, losing weight can be easy or complicated. Weight loss requires a reduction in calorie consumption. Most people try to reduce weight through exercising or dieting. Every person has their own reason why they opt to lose weight. Some of them desire to develop their self-confidence or appear more attractive while others just want to stay healthy and fit.
Про автора
Anthony Ekanem is a researcher and writer. His research interests span across business, finance, family, relationship, health, personal development, etc. and has written many books on these areas.