Cooking Cosmos is an exciting book that traces the history of men’s endeavor to understand the Universe, and answers the eternal questions: ‘Who made this World?’ ‘Where did it come from?’ ‘How and why did it begin?’ Thousands of years of continual interaction with nature has brought mankind to the present stage when we have some inkling about the working of nature. We now know that the Earth, our habitat, is only one of the planets orbiting the Sun. The Sun itself is a star among billions of stars in the Universe. We know that our solar system came into existence some 4.5 billion years ago and it is but only a tiny component of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Our Universe contains some 100 billion of galaxies. We know that the Universe itself came into existence with the Big Bang some 13.7 billion years ago and even now galaxies are receding from each other with ever increasing speed.
This book takes you through the intellectual journey of mankind, unraveling the mysteries of the Cosmos. Starting from Aristotle’s Earth-centered Universe, it will take you step by step to the Copernican Sun-centered Universe, to Hubble’s expanding Universe, to the Big Bang, to the currently accepted accelerating Universe. In the process, the book explores the origin of space-time, black hole, black hole radiation, dark matter, dark energy, quantum gravity, string theory, all in terms comprehensible to general audiences.