Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri received his Ph.D. degree from
Imperial College London, UK. His research interests include power
system dynamics and control, application of power electronics in
power systems, online system identification, FACTS, HVDC, and
renewable energy systems. He serves as an Associate Editor of the
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Nilanjan is a member of the
WECC”s HVDC modeling Task Force, multiple CIGRE”
subcommittees, a member of the IEEE, IEEE PES, CIGRE” and
Sigma Xi.
Balarko Chaudhuri is a Senior Lecturer in the
department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial
College London, UK. His areas of expertise include electric power
transmission systems, control theory, smart grids and renewable
energy. He is an associate editor of the IEEE Systems Journal and
Elsevier Control Engineering Practice. He is a Senior Member of the
Rajat Majumder did his Ph D in Power Systems at
Imperial College London, UK. He specializes in power system
analysis, modeling and control design, with special emphasis on
dynamic stability issues in large interconnected power grids
involving HVDC and FACTS. He is serving as an editorial board
member of Institute of Engineering Technology”s (IET)
Proceedings of Generation, Transmission and Distribution. He is a
Senior Member of the IEEE.
Amirnaser Yazdani is an Associate Professor with
Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. From 2006 to 2011, he was an
Assistant Professor with the University of Western Ontario in
London, Canada, and prior to that he was with Digital Predictive
Systems (DPS) Inc., Mississauga, Canada, active in the design and
production of power converters for wind energy systems. Dr. Yazdani
has extensive industry and academic experience in design, modeling,
and analysis of switching power converters and railway signaling
systems, and has served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE,
a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario, Canada, and a
co-author of the book Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems,
published by IEEE/Wiley Press, 2010.
3 Електронні книги від Balarko Chaudhuri
Bikash Pal & Balarko Chaudhuri: Robust Control in Power Systems
Robust Control in Power Systems deals with the applications of new techniques in linear system theory to control low frequency oscillations in power systems. The book specifically focuses on the anal …
Nilanjan Chaudhuri & Balarko Chaudhuri: Multi-terminal Direct-Current Grids
A generic DC grid model that is compatible with the standard AC system stability model is presented and used to analyse the interaction between the DC grid and the host AC systems. A multi-terminal D …
Nilanjan Chaudhuri & Balarko Chaudhuri: Multi-terminal Direct-Current Grids
A generic DC grid model that is compatible with the standard AC system stability model is presented and used to analyse the interaction between the DC grid and the host AC systems. A multi-terminal D …