Belinda began studying Chinese language and Linguistics at the University of New England in Eastern Australia over 25 years ago. She has lived in China for several years, studying at Nankai University in Tianjin, teaching English in Zhejiang Province and involved in informal postgraduate studies in Classical Chinese in Beijing. On all these occasions she has lived closely with Chinese families and communities, at times in very traditional settings.However, Belinda has not written this book from a linear or academic perspective, but rather from an wholistic position, believing that the complexity we like to define as culture, needs to be experienced to some degree, not just observed, in order to understand it. Her life stories as an artist, musician, teacher and mother are reflected in the presentation of the book. The quiet study of Chinese language and culture continue to be part of her daily life.
5 Електронні книги від Belinda Vogt
Belinda Vogt: Oracles and the Flower People
This is a rare book about Chinese culture that shows the historical connections between spoken and written language, to illustrate the thoughts and way of life of an ancient civilization. Modernizati …
Belinda Vogt: Mörder, Tote, Kommissare
MTK steht für Main-Taunus-Kreis, aber ebenso für Main-Taunus-Krimis oder ‘Mörder, Tote Kommissare’. Uli Aechtner, Leila Emami, Jürgen Heimbach, Peter Jackob, Bernd Köstering, Susanne Kronenberg, Rich …
Uli Aechtner & Belinda Vogt: Keltenzorn
Sensationsfund in der Wetterau: Archäologin Mara Jordan entdeckt am mystischen Glauberg das Skelett einer keltischen Fürstin. Kurz darauf liegt eine enthauptete Leiche auf der Ausgrabungsstelle. Mara …
Belinda Vogt: Toskanische Täuschung
Bizzare Morde vor idyllischer Kulisse – ein packender Krimi zwischen Wahn und Wirklichkeit. Ein Aufschrei geht durch das malerische Arezzo: Museumsdirektor Margoni wird tot aufgefunden – makaber insz …
Thorsten Weiß & Belinda Vogt: WasserFälle
Ob an den lauschigen Ufern von Rhein und Main oder am Langener Waldsee, im Schiersteiner Hafen oder an der verträumten Wisper: Im friedlichsten Gewässer plätschert das Blut, Untaten führen in abgründ …