Автор: Bernadette Zelger

Dr Bernadette Zelger is an Assistant Professor and graduate from the University of Innsbruck (Dr. iur., Mag. iur.), King’s College London (Postgraduate Diploma in EU Competition Law) and Queen Mary University of London (LL.M. in Competition Law), as well as a qualified lawyer in Austria (bar exam 2014) and former fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences by which her doctoral thesis was fully funded (DOC-fellowship). Before having joined the Department of European Law and Public International Law at the University of Innsbruck, Bernadette worked as a Research Assistant for Professor Ioannis Kokkoris, Professor for Law and Economics at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom and as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Commercial Law at the University of Innsbruck. Moreover, Bernadette gained five years practical experience as a lawyer in leading Austrian full service corporate law firms headquartered in Vienna, the European Commission, DG COMP, E1 (Unit for Antitrust – Pharma and Health Services) in Brussels, and as Inhouse Legal Counsel at the Legal Department of an Austrian bank (headquartered in Innsbruck).

2 Електронні книги від Bernadette Zelger

Bernadette Zelger: Restrictions of EU Competition Law in the Digital Age
This book offers an in-depth legal analysis concerning the notion of restrictions of competition, be it by object restrictions according to Article 101 TFEU or prima facie abusive practices treated a …
Darren Harvey & Madlen Karg: Reforming the EU Treaties
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Frage der Reform der Verfassungsverträge der Europäischen Union aus gegenwärtiger Perspektive. Während frühere Perioden in der Geschichte des europäischen Integration …