Sheila Gruner is a scholar-activist who worked closely with the Forum on Feminicides organizational committee and continues to work to open spaces for antiracist, decolonial, antipatriarchal study and practice. She is principal editor of Blurring/Drawing the Landscape/Country: Contributions to Peace with Afrodescendent and Indigenous Peoples: Territory, Autonomy and Good Life (2016). Dr. Gruner is also faculty member at Algoma University and visiting professor la Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá).
2 Електронні книги від Betty Ruth Lozano Lerma
Betty Ruth Lozano Lerma: Orden racial y teoría crítica contemporánea
Con este libro la autora pretende contribuir a la lucha de aquellas y aquellos que combaten la opresión, la subordinación y la discriminación en razón de la adscripción ‘racial’, la pertenencia étnic …
Otras Negras . . . y ¡Feministas! & Elba Mercedes Palacios Córdoba: Feminicide and Global Accumulation
Femicide and Global Accumulation brings us to the frontlines of an international movement of Black, Indigenous, popular, and mestiza women’s organizations fighting against violence—interpersonal, sta …