Candidates for the Oracle Certified Associate in Oracle Database
11g need to pass Exams 1Z0-051 and 1Z0-052 to achieve their
certification–this guide prepares you for taking both those
exams. This two-in-one study guide covers the Oracle Certified
Associate certification for Oracle database 11g and reviews exam
topics such as restricting and sorting data, using conversion
functions and conditional expressions, displaying data from
multiple tables, and exploring the Oracle database architecture.
Plus, you’ll learn how to create and maintain an Oracle
database, perform database backups and recovery, move and
manipulate data, prepare the database environment, and more.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are
not included as part of e Book file.
For Instructors: Teaching supplements are available for
this title.
Part I: Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I.
1. Basic SQL SELECT Statements.
2. Single-Row Functions.
3. Group Functions.
4. Joins and Sub-queries.
5. Modifying Data.
6. Creating Tables.
7. Creating Schema Objects.
Part II: Oracle Database 11g: Administration I.
8. Oracle Database 11g Components and Architecture.
9. Create an Oracle11g Database.
10. Database Storage and Schema Objects.
11. Oracle Network Architecture.
12. Security and Auditing.
13. Managing Data and Undo.
14. Proactive Maintenance and Performance Monitoring.
15. Implementing Database Backups.
16. Recovering Database.
17. EM Tools and Data Utilities.
Про автора
Biju Thomas, OCA, OCP, is a senior database administrator with more than 15 years of Oracle application development and database management experience. He has coauthored five Oracle certification books published by Sybex and has written articles for multiple Oracle technical publications.