Hamouche Oulhadj is an Associate Professor at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, France. He is an Engineer in Electrical Engineering and has a Ph D in Biomedical Engineering. His main research interests are in optimization, pattern recognition and image processing.
Boubaker Daachi is a Full Professor in Computer Science at the University of Paris 8, France. He is an Engineer in Computer Science and has a Ph D in Robotics. His main research interests are in brain computer interfaces, biometrics, neurofeedback and robotics.
Riad Menasri is a Development Engineer at Assystem Technologies, France. Holding a Master”s degree in Advanced Systems and Robotics and a Ph D in Robotics, his main research interests are in optimization and trajectory planning for robotics applications.
6 Електронні книги від Boubaker Daachi
Abdelhamid Mellouk & Scott Fowler: Wired/Wireless Internet Communications
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communication, WWIC 2014, held in Paris, France, during May 2 …
Ali Cherif Arab & Boubaker Daachi: Energy Management in Wireless Sensor Networks
Energy Management in Wireless Sensor Networks discusses this unavoidable issue in the application of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). To guarantee efficiency and durability in a network, the science m …
Hamouche Oulhadj & Boubaker Daachi: Metaheuristics for Robotics
This book is dedicated to the application of metaheuristic optimization in trajectory generation and control issues in robotics. In this area, as in other fields of application, the algorithmic tools …
Hamouche Oulhadj & Boubaker Daachi: Metaheuristics for Robotics
This book is dedicated to the application of metaheuristic optimization in trajectory generation and control issues in robotics. In this area, as in other fields of application, the algorithmic tools …
Cherif Arab Ali & Boubaker Daachi: Gestion energetique dans les reseaux de capteurs sans fil
La gestion energetique est une question incontournable dans les applications type A reseaux de capteurs sans fil A (RCSF). Garantir une efficacite et une longevite du reseau en se limitant uniquement …
Boubaker Daachi & Riad Menasri: Metaheuristiques pour la robotique
Metaheuristiques pour la robotique est consacre aux metaheuristiques d’optimisation et a leurs applications aux problemes de generation de trajectoire et de controle-commande en robotique.En reformul …