Poet Brod Bagert is the author of over eighteen books of poetry for children, young adults, and adults. A former lawyer and New Orleans City Councilman, Bagert penned his first poem as a favor to his daughter, who needed a poem to recite in a school program. Bagert realized that few poems written in children”s voices were available, and so wrote one himself. Since then, he has helped change children”s poetry in America, focusing on performance as well as the poem itself. According to Timothy Rasinski, a literacy instructor at Kent State University, Bagert”s poems allow children to “create art” when they perform them. “Since he is one of the few poets to truly write in the voice of a child, it”s easy for students to use his material for expressiveness, ” Rasinski told the New Orleans Times Picayune in a feature on Bagert. The Picayune noted that part of Bagert”s appeal to children was his ability to capture their
swirling moods and emotions: “Bagert”s verses often feature the private emotions-raw, complex, humorous-of youthful characters he created.”
10 Електронні книги від Brod Bagert
Brod Bagert: Maybe You!
Maybe You! Entertaining, Instructional, and Comprehensive My brain is like a great white shark always hunting knowledge in the dark. So shout it—CURIOSITY! Yes that is how you measure me. from “My Cu …
Bernice Cullinan & Brod Bagert: Helping your Child Learn to Read
Regular practice is the best way to reinforce concepts and allow students to gain confidence and mastery of skills. With Helping your Child Learn to Read you get reading and critical thinking exercis …
Brod Bagert & Timothy Rasinski: Poems for Building Reading Skills Level 4
Support reading comprehension through analyzing poems written in engaging student voices for poetic devices, word choice, and meaning. Coauthored by renowned fluency expert Timothy Rasinski, this res …
Brod Bagert & Timothy Rasinski: Poems for Building Reading Skills Level 5
Support reading comprehension through analyzing poems written in engaging student voices for poetic devices, word choice, and meaning. Coauthored by renowned fluency expert Timothy Rasinski, this res …
Brod Bagert & Timothy Rasinski: Poems for Building Reading Skills Levels 6-8
Support reading comprehension through analyzing poems written in engaging student voices for poetic devices, word choice, and meaning. Coauthored by renowned fluency expert Timothy Rasinski, this res …
Brod Bagert: Weather or Climate?
Weather or Climate? Entertaining, Instructional, and Comprehensive Weather or climate? Climate or weather? Not quite the same but so close together. Climate or weather? Weather or climate? The differ …
Brod Bagert: Systematic Me
Systematic Me Entertaining, Instructional, and Comprehensive Glands and hormones, hormones and glands, constantly sending their bio-commands, adjusting my state on an hourly basis, keeping my body in …
Brod Bagert: My Home in the Universe
My Home in the Universe Entertaining, Instructional, and Comprehensive Little Dipper in the sky, Little Dipper, please don’t cry. Small you are yet still you stay, and that is how I find my way. from …
Brod Bagert: Big Mama
Big Mama Poems and Plays for Earth Science Like a surging river the human brain has a very powerful flow, and the flow gets deeper and stronger and faster the more and more you know. from ‘Power of t …