C. Fred Bergsten, senior fellow and director emeritus, was the founding director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics (formerly the Institute for International Economics) from 1981 through 2012. He is serving his second term as a member of the President”s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations and was co-chairman of the Private Sector Advisory Group to the United States–India Trade Policy Forum, comprising the trade ministers of those two countries, during 2007–14.John Williamson, senior fellow (retired), was associated with the Institute from 1981 to 2012. He was project director for the UN High-Level Panel on Financing for Development (the Zedillo Report) in 2001; on leave as chief economist for South Asia at the World Bank during 1996–99; economics professor at Pontifica Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (1978–81), University of Warwick (1970–77), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1967, 1980), University of York (1963–68), and Princeton University (1962–63); adviser to the International Monetary Fund (1972–74); and economic consultant to the UK Treasury (1968–70).
10 Електронні книги від C. Fred Bergsten
C. Fred Bergsten & John Williamson: Dollar Overvaluation and the World Economy
The dollar rose by about 35 percent in real terms from 1995 through the end of 2001, supporting the booming US economy of the late 1990s but pushing the current account deficit to a record high of al …
C. Fred Bergsten: The United States and the World Economy
What are the key foreign economic policy issues facing the United States in the second half of this decade? How can the administration and Congress meet the economic challenges that lie ahead? This n …
C. Fred Bergsten & Gary Clyde Hufbauer: Bridging the Pacific
The terrain of the world trading system is shifting as countries in Asia, Europe, and North America negotiate new trade agreements. However, none of these talks include both China and the United Stat …
C. Fred Bergsten & Russell Green: International Monetary Cooperation
In September 1985, emissaries of the world’s five leading industrial nations—the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan—secretly gathered at the Plaza Hotel in New York City and unveiled …
C. Fred Bergsten & Joseph Gagnon: Currency Conflict and Trade Policy
Conflicts over currency valuations are a recurrent feature of the modern global economy. To strengthen their international competitiveness, many countries resort to buying foreign currencies to make …
C. Fred Bergsten & George Nikolaus Halm: Approaches to Greater Flexibility of Exchange Rates
This volume contains the papers presented and comments made at two conferences on the controversial subject of greater flexibility of exchange rates. The first of the conferences was held at Oyster B …
Committee on Japan & National Research Council: Japan’s Growing Technological Capability
The perspectives of technologists, economists, and policymakers are brought together in this volume. It includes chapters dealing with approaches to assessment of technology leadership in the United …
C. Fred Bergsten: Dilemmas of the Dollar
An examination of the role of the dollar in the global financial system which presents a long-term historical perspective on the international monetary system in this century. The main focus is on th …
C. Fred Bergsten: Dilemmas of the Dollar
An examination of the role of the dollar in the global financial system which presents a long-term historical perspective on the international monetary system in this century. The main focus is on th …
C. Fred Bergsten: The United States vs. China
After leading the world economy for a century, the United States faces the first real challenge to its supremacy in the rise of China. Is economic (or broader) conflict, well beyond the trade and tec …