This volume, written by eighteen monks, nuns, and lay scholars from seven countries and four continents, aims to recognize the contribution that Michael Casey has made to Cistercian and Benedictine life over the past forty years. Acclaimed as one of the most significant writers in the Benedictine and Cistercian tradition, Casey has published over one hundred articles and reviews in various journals, written more than eighteen books, and edited many more books and journals. He is a world-renowned retreat master, lecturer, and formator.
Contributors include: Carmel Posa, SGS; David Tomlins, OCSO; Helen Lombard, SGS; Manuela Scheiba, OSB; David Barry, OSB; Mary Collins, OSB; Brendan Thomas, OSB; Elias Dietz, OCSO; Constant J. Mews; Bernardo Bonowitz, OCSO; Terrence Kardong, OSB; Elizabeth Freeman; Austin Cooper, OMI; Katharine Massam; Margaret Malone, SGS; Bernhard A. Eckerstorfer, OSB; Columba Stewart, OSB; Francisco Rafael de Pascual, OCSO; and Bishop Graeme Rutherford
List of Abbreviations
Carmel Posa, SGS
Chapter 1 Michael: A Short Biography
David Tomlins, OCSO
Chapter 2 Benedict’s Balanced Lifestyle: Is This Your Life?
Helen Lombard, SGS
Chapter 3 The Exciting Life of Being a Questioner
Manuela Scheiba, OSB
Chapter 4 Welcoming the Word—Then and Now
David Barry, OSB
Chapter 5 Ritualizing Endings for the Sake of New Beginnings
Mary Collins, OSB
Chapter 6 Benedict and Francis: Two Popes and Two Saints in Conversation
Brendan Thomas, OSB
Chapter 7
Magistra Humilitas: Young Bernard’s Hardest Lesson
Elias Dietz, OCSO
Chapter 8 Bernard of Clairvaux and Richard of Saint-Victor on the Pursuit of Ecstasy and the Development of a Mystical Theology
Constant J. Mews
Chapter 9 A Mirror for Abbots: The
Pastoral Prayer of Saint Aelred
Bernardo Bonowitz, OCSO
Chapter 10 Who Wrote the Rule of Walbert?
Terrence Kardong, OSB
Chapter 11 Medieval English Nuns and the Benedictine Rule: The Evidence and Example of Wintney Priory
Elizabeth Freeman
Chapter 12 Some Benedictine Legacies
Austin Cooper, OMI
Chapter 13 Cloister and Community
Katharine Massam
Chapter 14
Aequo animo: With a Quiet Mind
Margaret Malone, SGS
Chapter 15 Monasticism in an Age of Transition: A European Perspective
Bernhard A. Eckerstorfer, OSB
Chapter 16 Musings of a (Post)Modern Monastic Historian
Columba Stewart, OSB
Chapter 17 Father Michael Casey, OCSO: A Teacher of Monks for our Time: An Interview
Francisco Rafael de Pascual, OCSO
End Note: Michael Casey: A Poet of the Logos
Bishop Graeme Rutherford
List of Contributors
Select Bibliography
Про автора
Carmel Posa is a member of the Good Samaritan Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict. She held the position of senior lecturer at Notre Dame University, Australia from 1999—2012 and was the executive director of the New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies at New Norcia, Western Australia, from 2012—2017. She lectures in the department of Christian thought and history at Yarra Theological Union, a member college of the University of Divinity, Melbourne and teaches monastic studies at St. John’s School of Theology and Seminary, Collegeville, Minnesota. Carmel is co-editor of the journal, Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review, and editor of A Not-So-Unexciting Life: Essays on Benedictine History and Spirituality in Honor of Michael Casey, OCSO, published by Liturgical Press.