This book offers an alternative to the industrial revolutionary paradigm of organization that we still live and work with today and instead argues that the environmental and economic complexity of the digital age require an evolutionary leap in the purpose, design, and traits of organization. Organizational Design in Business tackles the subject of organization development and design through an organic and purpose-driven approach and provides practical how-to tools for managers and leaders. This book challenges the idea that business as usual is a viable option in the digital economy. If performance is to be driven at an organizational level, and is to be sustainable, then business leaders and development professionals need to have a deep understanding of how to achieve balance in their organization in response to the complexity of the external business environment.
Про автора
Carrie Foster specializes in the facilitation of coaching, people management, and organization development interventions that deliver added value and a measurable ROI to bottom-line performance. As a proven commercial organization development practitioner, executive coach, practicing academic, and published author with a successful commercial career covering FMCG, industrial, manufacturing, and professional services, she has a track record of providing OD and coaching programs across the United Kingdom, Europe, Russia, and the Middle East that have met both the individual and business needs.