Мовознавство ПідтримкаЕлектронна книгаДуховна наукамовиМовознавствоЛітературознавствонімціанглійська моваінша німецькаРомантикаКласикаслов’янськаінші мови53 430 Електронні книги в цій категорі Ana (State University of Campinas (Unicamp – Sao Paulo), Brazil) Cecilia Cossi Bizon & Elizabeth Maria Fontao do Patrocinio: Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.29 Laxman Ghimire: Multilingualism in Education in Nepal This book explores the development of multilingual policy in education in Nepal in sociopolitical and historical contexts and examines the frameworks of language use in schools. It investigates the d … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.72 Roger E. Backhouse: Economics and Language First published in 1993. The importance of language in economics has been neglected and dominated by techniques from other disciplines. This looks at the wider methological implications of language w … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.73 Prof Brian Treanor: Melancholic Joy Today, we find ourselves surrounded by numerous reasons to despair, from loneliness, suffering and death at an individual level to societal alienation, oppression, sectarian conflict and war. No hone … EPUB Adobe DRM €26.76 Andrew (University of Miami, USA) Lynch: Spanish in Miami Spanish in Miami reveals the multifaceted ways in which the language is ideologically rescaled and sociolinguistically reconfigured in this global city. This book approaches Miami’s sociolinguistic s … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.58 Iggy Roca: Generative Phonology ‘Generative Phonology’ offers an overview of the post-SPE theory of generative phonology and is suitable for linguists not specializing in phonology, who want to keep abreast of the latest developmen … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.40 Bronius Piesarskas & Bronius Svecevicius: Lithuanian Dictionary An invaluable resource for linguists, learners and users of Lithuanian, this is the first dictionary of the language generally available in the West for a number of years. Special supplemental sectio … EPUB Adobe DRM €102.43 Amanda Seidl: Minimal Indirect Reference This book investigates the nature of the relationship between phonology and syntax and proposes a theory of Minimal Indirect Reference that solves many classic problems relating to the topic. … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.90 Paul D. Fallon: The Synchronic and Diachronic Phonology of Ejectives This study is the first book-length examination of ejectives and their phonological patterning, deepening the empirical understanding of ejectives and contributing to both phonological theory and to … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.13 David Premack: Intelligence in Ape and Man (Psychology Revivals) What is language and what is the nature of the intelligence that can acquire it? This volume, originally published in 1976, describes 10 years of research devoted to these questions. The author descr … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.06 Наступна сторінка >>> 0 0 закінчення роботи 0,00 × × × Змінення мови користувача × АрабськоюНімецькаАнглійськаІспанськаФранцузькийХіндіІндонезійськаІталійськаМалайськаГолландськаПольськаПортугальськаРумунськаросійськийШведськаТайськаТурецькаУкраїнськаВ’єтнамціКитайціInternational Modal ×